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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I do love them, they are so sweet...but I still hate harvesting, it is boring
  2. lea75

    Spamming warning

    LMAO!! I sooooooo love this excuse! Do you think I could use it as well...I can blame my meds
  3. lea75

    Spamming warning

    Ursula I hadnt noticed any spamming from you so dont worry Occasionally we all have posts where it might just be 'LMAO ' or something similar this is not a problem, its just when it happens constantly that it becomes an issue xx
  4. LMAO!! This would make a great comp, dressing pets as famous celebs lol *putting thinking cap on*
  5. lea75

    Spamming warning

    I have noticed a lot of members spamming recently just to get their post count up. This is not acceptable. If it carrys on, not only will these posts be deleted but that member will have their post count reset to zero and an official warning given I love seeing the forum busy, but unecessary bumps, posts with just smilies in, or any post that is pointless or should be in pm, is not going to be allowed. No one will make top poster by spamming
  6. This is what playfish posted in their blog And yet it is only in the shops? do you think they forgot?
  7. deffinately not! If you go against your Mum on this then, as Yvette said, you lose her trust. Is it really worth getting banned from PS? That is the punishment I would give if my son went behind my back as you are planning to do to your Mum. Parents give you rules for a reason...and one of the main rules you need to learn in life is you cannot always get what you want. Sorry I know it is harsh...but sometimes parents have to be the bad ones, and they do have reasons for their rules..even if you cant see them at the time I noticed when I voted that you have 2 votes telling you to buy cc's.....I bet you they are from under 16's
  8. ok I give in... I will have a look Hope it is better than My Empire though...got bored of that very quickly
  9. Morning! Been to stay and play with Phoebe, and had a great morning...playing in the sand, being force fed pretend ice-creams, and also gluing cardboard boxes together (the things you do when you are a Mum lol) Having a quick tidy up this mornig then this afternoon we are off to Music Tots, where we make musical instruments and then play them, and sing loads of nursery rhymes...so if it starts raining in the UK then you can blame my singing Hope you all have a great day
  10. Spooky... It was not just one member, it was actually 3 members. And they did not report you in a way that you are in trouble, but they came to me with an issue they have around the group, which as I am site admin is what members have every right to do. As for the animated ruling, that is not yours or any other members decision to make. I really do not like having to put my foot down but I am doing it here. As I have already stated, there will be no poll. Just because a few members like them, this does not out weigh the physical problems it casues other members. This is my decision to make, and not yours. Admins rules are final.
  11. Hi! Please can you add your facebook link to your profile..this is part of PSFC rules..and you cannot trade wtihout it If you need any help then please let myself or any other mod/ admin know and we will do all we can to help
  12. wouldnt mind giving him a birthday kiss lol
  13. I am still unsure about the avitars, even going slowly. I will talk again with the members who pm'd me over this to see how it affects them, and also continue talking to all the mods/ admins before making a final decision. I think the way you have your pet getting bigger and smaller might still cause a problem. It might be a case of only having the wings animated...be less of a distraction on the eye like I said though I will discuss it with the others first though
  14. the glow is fine as it is not moving...it is only things that move very quickly that are a problem
  15. thank you for taking what I posted into consideration hun..I appreciate it
  16. sorry for not answering this immediately, I do have children to see to firstly...members have every right to come to me if they have a problem within the forum, and after seeing the way you have spoken to me I can actually understand why they didnt come to you first I take every concern that members bring to me seriously, and yet have not taken any action on this until it came to the point where I had multiple reports. You can try making them move slower, but if members still have a problem then they will be banned totally There will not be a poll on this, I will not allow PSFC to lose members just because they cannot physically stand to be in the group for long periods just because of peoples avitars A long standing member of the group recently told me that you cannot please everyone all the time, and I guess this wil be one of those situations. I'm sorry if you dislike or disagree with this, but I am allowing you to try slowing them down and not just banning them out right
  17. its your and foxpolys I have had reports on I think its because they move so quickly that they keep drawing the eye over and as such cause migranes
  18. guys I'm really sorry but I am going to have to ask you not to animate your avitars because the movement is so quick...it is causing problems for members with migranes...I am sorry but I've had a second report now so have to take it into account I really am sorry
  19. Sarah you have put my favourite ever quote in your message... 'Anyone can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad' I am so lucky as I have the most wonderful Dad in the world (yes Mum I know he has his moments lol) and I love him to bits Hugs Yvette, I'm sure your Dad is watching over you and knows how you are thinking of him xxxx
  20. you should get in touch with Playfish immediately. Explain what has happened and that all your items came back eventually but not your cash coins and ask them to look into it immediately. You need to word it really strongly though, because they are cash coin you have spent your money on they should do something Hugs to you xx
  21. p.pepper please add your facebook link to your profile. It is a rule of PSFC that you have one and you cannot trade without it If you need any help with this then please contact either myself of any mod/admin who will be heppy to help
  22. lea75

    Well since..

    Free days?? I wish lol Hope you enjoy your summer hun
  23. lea75

    Happy Sunday!

    Morning!! The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip horray! It is a beautiful sunny day here today wooooo hooooooooo My daughter is sat by the window waiting for her Dad to get here so she can give him the present she made in nursery...bless her! Not doing a lot today, woke up feeling like I have the hangover from hell even though I didnt have a drink last nigh Oh well, sure it will ease off soon Hope everyone is ok this beautiful morning
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