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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I'm back too, Hiya Boogaloo, how are you and yours? soaked after the school run?
  2. Well if you win you can use the prize for the hunt, or just say give it to someone else, it doesn't matter to me. And no worries about siggy, I'm not in a rush at all, just something for you to do when you get bored. We only shoo you off so you come back sooner! Going to make my phone call now.
  3. I keep getting all sorts of stuff for IMOM, it'll be flippers and snorkel next! Goodnight Tanya - nice to catch you x See you in a bit Kijo, you've been shooed and I have to make another phone call!
  4. See you BG, have a good day. Mwah hah haaaaa Kijo, that's my girl! Reminds me I'd better check out who did my NtDs, a bit slow really, I need to chase more CeeGeeans, but I'm distracted looking at new cookers and chatting to IMOM about one *whistles*
  5. How so? the hunt? Saturday was lovely thanks, yesterday less so as I wasn't too well. How about you? A hug and a hot toddy! Perfect. TY. Sorry was off on the phone to IMOM who got soaked on his way to work today.
  6. ♫when you feel lost and about to give up...♫ Yuck what a horrid day here, absolutely pouring down and I'm totally full of cold How's everyone else?
  7. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Monday 21st February 2010 - Yee Haa! Garden Store Flowering Cactus (600) D.I.Y. Saloon Door (1200) Clothes Store Cute Cowgirl Hat (600) Cute Cowgirl Dress (700) Cute Cowgirl Boots (150) Golden Carnival Headdress (3000) White Carnival Mask (750) Food Store Cowboy Nachos (50) Furniture Store Saloon Sofa (1200) Pink Wooden Bench (1000) Wooden Trough (900) Sheriff Badge Decor (900) Sheriff Office Decor (600) Blue Wooden Mirror (500) Cowboy Lasso (150) Luxury Store Cute Rocking Horse (1800) Red Stagecoach Decor (5000)
  8. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Sorry Frannie, I wasn't around and missed you, and I need to speak to you about sending stuff to Tiph, will catch you later I hope.
  9. They all do it, rush from one to another, and they go on in to the evening. Ends up worn out and with very sore feet at the end of the day lol. Got to dash BG sorry, enjoy the rest of your day xxx
  10. LOL BG, yes a few tales to tell. ED was at six different shows yesterday and said she saw lots and lots of famous people - but I didn't have time to stop and chat with her at the time
  11. Good Morning from a bitterly cold, dark and very wet UK! Just had breakfast and am about to get ready, wrap up and brave the outdoors (by car, lol) Had a really lovely day yesterday and although it was cold, it was bright, so the weather was at least kind to us then. ED is busy busy with London Fashion week, and her b/f is doing hair for some stars at the BAFTAs tonight
  12. Must rush! (I look a fright) Have a good day both of you xxx
  13. Sure Wish, or if you need me to send any prizes just say. I didn't realise it was Prague already this week, was going to look on the net for restaurants, but don't have any info myself. Hey Boogs, was just answering you in FB. I am supposed to be in the shower, as I type! was just trying to sort some thins out for you Oh my Socks is being a wild thing this morning.
  14. Boogs the Search facility is on the bright pink toolbar thingy under the pet banner at the top, it's between the FAQ and the Member List. I think the problem is tired eyes being dazzled by so much info on every page that it's a bit like not seeing the wood for the trees sometimes? (hope that doesn't sound harsh, as it's not meant that way) I often find that with my lap top, I only get one post on my screen at a time, what with the first post repeat and the signatures and so on. So I'm always scrolling around too.
  15. It's ok, the quiz was supposed to be a joint effort - so long as you don't mind, we could all see how busy you were. R and I are going up to Borough Market and doing some fancy food shopping, our friends we spent NYE with are meeting us and we're having lunch, so it should be a really nice day Bad news working on a weekend! I did ask last night about what kind of voluntary work you'd been doing, but you wooshed off to dinner and missed it?
  16. Hi Wish, doing anything special? I boasted about our gold in the Olympic thread, just quietly you understand It's over four hours since Tanya was here, lol, so I don't think she can hear you Did you see I edited one of the comp questions? there was a duplicate, hope that was ok?
  17. Tweet you were nearest, will send jelly your way, watch out for the worms!!!
  18. Let me know later Wish, if you're around, I'm out all day - need to send some prizes over to you so you can send.
  19. Nearly quarter past 8 in the UK morning - Hello to anyone who looks in. We have a heavy frost, so I'll need to dress up warm for our day out. Just having a big mug of hot tea and deciding what to wear...comfy boots as a starter, but better think of something else too
  20. Ahem! *Whispers* - we got a gold medal you know!
  21. OK on my own,so I'm leaving to go and eat x
  22. Wish I have answers from both Dawn and from Frannie (who also sent to you I believe)
  23. See Toni, she offers up the bar and then scarpers! Is there anything you want to get off your chest? or just some company?
  24. Good thanks, just jogging along as per, still looking after the abandoned cat, and looking forward to spring. What's the volunteer work Wish?
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