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Lucky Strike

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Everything posted by Lucky Strike

  1. Time Thursday at 12:00pm - July 10 at 12:00am Location Pet Society Hi there Pet Society fans! Are you ready for a brand new fishing challenge? Starting around midday, June, 30, we’re unleashing the Five Elements Fish Challenge! There are five fishy friends to collect, but they can only be caught using the special Five Elements Fish Bait which will be available through the Free Gift feature and on the Pet Society fan page daily. Find them all and you’ll be rewarded with a FREE Bouncy Shape Shifting Five Elements Ball! See you Thursday, The Mayor x
  2. I'm looking it now Andyes a closed thread can be re-opened Just send me a pm
  3. there is no need i trust you sending now
  4. You what mad hatter boxes? I can do that and i will send a coupkle more bmb and gmb
  5. hehe I slowly see our members there Hurry or i'll have to bring out the stick! juuuuuuust kiddin'! I think!
  6. really????? *jumpiiiiiiiiiiiiing* I would love it! I can make miracles even with one! How will i be ever able to thank you enough??
  7. 3 years is a ton of memories and crazy things! tromo: take a look at your diary It was a time that we didn't had a stadium! Fishing was big.. then cooking.. now it's treasure.. i remember that we where trying to find who is mister x and still no answer! The major didn't had a house and the shops were soooo different.. Item where TWS (this week aspecial) and not OWO.. Cc's were not even in the picture..
  8. Their personallity is amazing! Playfull (reeeeeeeally playfull), loyal to a fault and the always follow you! It's a good thing they have special food. Ask a doc or a GOOD pet shop. Not a chain pet shop. And also check the internet for what breeders of these cats have to say noone can know better than those that "make" them
  9. You do have a point though with the trader.. After getting the "basic" scethces and colors for my tigers I have some amazing ones!!!! I even got a tiger exactly like another but only with different eyes. I adore persian cats! I would like a scottish fold but persian is my thing! I'm now trying to change aaaall my cats to persian! I'm sooo curious to see how will i make a yellow one! hehehe (of course i will keep some of the old ones!) And thankfully we have the pet hotel! What would i do without it??? That's why I love to breed! To all the fun is the new pets that are from a breeding!
  10. Be prepared for a Maine Coon! Amazing lovelly cats with great personallity but oh my god you NEED money to feed them! They are by far the most "big" (as in heavy) cat breed in the world! My aunt wants to get my cousin one!
  11. My friends only likes it because of the ballons! And if it's any consulation it's not a plain pink. It's more vivid than usual and it also has some fusia (unsure if it's the right word. darker pink/pink with purple)
  12. Apples. Less messy Eat water mellon or mellon?
  13. train! faaaaar more fun and you can watch out palm tree or coconut tree??
  14. eat them decorate with them make them marmelade (or however it's written) 3 things you can do with.. waves!
  15. If you find yourself with another un-need wolf may i ask for him/her? I would love to send it to a friend. She loves all tigers, lions, BEARS, wolves! You see many pass-protected pets from me for her If you happen to have another spare I can always give tigers, kangaroo's or turtles. Now I have to breed but that's not the point. And cats of course If you need anything i'm just a pm away
  16. I had the same problem. Go to another room. Go back in but be prepared.. Open your chest instantly! The moment you do that the jar is where it should be (/or you can simply open your chest and just move it where it belongs ) The camera button is next to the chest icon. Close the chest and very fast press the camera! And voila!
  17. Most likelly a hack.. Be very carefull with hacked items.. They cause problems beyond imagination.. Many people that got them gifted couldn't log in or when they tried to sold it stuck and many more things.. Because it's not of the "official" problem you can not ever know what will happen.. There is nothing you can do now but be carefull in the future and try to avoid them.. I was sent a hacked item once and I couldn't log in for 2-3 days.. And I had serious lagging etc.. I managed to sold it after all but it took days for things to go back to normal..
  18. I love the pic for the latest "zoo", the mountain one, it looks like little red riddinghood!
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