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Everything posted by jezza

  1. I have a HTC sensesation great phone! http://www.htc.com/www/smartphones/htc-sensation/
  2. jezza


    Now that is funny
  3. jezza


    all going well here ... I don't envy you riding through the winter been there and done that and hated it so much that I did not want to do any weekend riding , trouble is when needs must you have to do it and you have to do what you can to make it more comfortable ride safe chap.
  4. jezza


    Alreet chap , good to see you back .....Much prefer the summer look as I'm not to keen on the mk1 fairing.
  5. You had it easy mate. Wait until Jez comes along
  6. our wheelie bins have microchips and bar codes on them, we were recently told not to hoard plastics for recycling as they have done monitoring and know roughly what plastics a 4 person family should produce weekly. they are a bunch of little hitlers round here.
  7. did Dave have you biting the inflatable pillow.
  8. I'd be very suprised if that would happen here cos the t w a ts struggle to take a full wheelie bin if its too full.
  9. oh you a gaffer tape lad are you..... i use that too.
  10. i'll be there mel, so if chad don't turn up you can look after me
  11. they keep your fat gut off the tank you can't even solve that problem with you sit up and beg riding position fat boy higgins.
  12. chap selling that is the same person that extended and braced my swingarm on the bandit.
  13. http://www.northcotswoldonline.com/index.php on 6 - 8 every tuesday evening , they ramble a bit but do take requests .
  14. he needs to get out more as i've not even it a 1000 posts yet.
  15. you jammy sod ive been thinking of getting some of those took some finding , someone advertised them as clip-ons, probably did not know what they had. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310476098153?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
  16. I'll soon find out as I've bagged a set for 35 quid off ebay.
  17. sadly its probably a true photo , when i was in rome earlier this year I don't think i see one person riding around with the proper protective gear (shorts , skirts , t-shirts, no gloves seemed the norm) , There seems to be a lack of thought in self preservation in some country's maybe even vanity. If your not going to protect yourself properly your probably not going to worry about your pillion. The picture is wrong in so many ways , lack of common sense .
  18. do you have a link to the build thread... how much gas is he putting through the motor.
  19. just woke up and thought that looks bright outside looked out the window and see all the frost & ice , bloody weather and temp changes so quick. might be a nice day but it looks a tad nippy. makes picking up the dog poo in the back garden easier though.
  20. Good to catch up , see you again in a few weeks..........the weather turned within an hour of you leaving.
  21. Ha Ha like your thinking.
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