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Everything posted by jezza

  1. I've told him he will get arrested one day doing this dogging lark.
  2. ha well i'll have to stop in the pub all night then......again.
  3. i still do this and will most probably be doing this in a couple of weeks after my 40th , just hope there are some willing people to carry me home. ha ha
  4. booked with expedia so nah go to sort it myself. I did see these while searching , I may give them a ring and find out , I just don't want to leave the keys with anyone..
  5. we are going to italy for a week at the end of july flying from heathrow, we usually book a hotel to stop at the night before flying that allows us to leave the car parked there while away however with a certain sports event taking place in the summer it is becoming increasingly difficult to book somewhere before we fly. Right, airport parking we have all seen the horror stories of leaving the car with some of these companies and I'm very nervous about leaving the vxr in the hands of some of these people while we are away . can someone recommend a company to book with who are not gonna park the car in a sidestreet or thrash it within a inch of its life, I want to come back and find the car in one piece.
  6. dave , you will be able to put it on your lap to keep you warm while having your forum ride in. oh I see you have already thought of that.
  7. ha ha ha .......can i have a go at baiting dave now.
  8. about time too , you've put it off long enough.
  9. 79 now do all these followers realise your as lost as they are Shhhh 72 followers on twitter..... hmmm does this make you head twit.
  10. would have gone out but some bloody idiot left the ignition on while they where tinkering about with the bottle heaters yesterday and drained the battery. Probably on for 4 hours sidelights on as well, i only noticed when i walked out with a mug of tea and spotted the dimly lit bulbs.. ... bloody blokes a numpty.
  11. another nitrous bottle, two no2 bottle warmers , shirt , jd, socks ,books and a whole lot a loving.
  12. when i sprayed my lambretta I used a electric halogen heater.it was spot on , took seconds to warm up.
  13. cos its fun in the right environment you don't get many potholes on a dragstrip.
  14. cos its fun in the right environment well i found it fun
  15. you lot need a decent boss , i gave all my lads something in a envelope, bought them all breakfast and let them go home half day early.....mind you i will have my pound of flesh out of them come the new year.
  16. ha ha ha ,what a mess now i,m worried 1st this. /t4022-am-i-gay then this then a link to a tranny singing Dave watch this one
  17. johnny cash's version is by far the best, another great cover he done was personal jesus.
  18. I'm 6:30 hours away lol. If I can afford it and its not p g it down just save your pocket money and go , I done the lakes 3 years ago on the bike with the other half, its worth the journey up there. oh It always pisses down up there.took us over 8 hours to get home due to the shite weather.
  19. off to the pub , watch football and then christmas party, under strict instructions not to drink at football as its the other halfs christmas party and she wants me sober.
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