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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. You see this thread on every bike forum and facebook page going, personally I wear a full hivis jacket ( as those that i have dazzled on rideouts will know) this is one topic that really gets people going, I am of the opinion that it should be down to personal choice though
  2. RichardH


    old but good, you can just imagine it hsppening
  3. Found this on another site and thought it might be of interest to those of you that like to tinker The European Commission has proposed that part of its controversial new 'Anti-Tampering' regulations, which will affect all future bikes registered for the road, should be re-written to prevent chop-builders from using 'long-forks'. The Commission now proposes that any bikes being put through the Individual Vehicle Approval test (the safety inspection made before non Type-Approved imports, one-off specials, etc. (currently known as Motorcycle Single Vehicle Approval) would have to complete a slalom and U-Turn before being registered, to prevent modifications to the length of the forks. Up to now, the draft regulations have only talked about requiring manufacturers to design the 'power-train' (engine, transmission, final-drive and rear tyre dimension) so that it becomes difficult for owners to modify them from standard. The UK representatives in the technical discussions joined FEMA and others in opposing the proposal, not least because the Commission cannot produce any evidence to show that modified bikes are unsafe. The Commission is expected to continue to seek further restrictions on the ability to modify bikes in future despite mounting criticism that it has failed to consider whether there is any demonstrable case for restricting riders liberty to modify their bikes to suit their own needs. Motorcycle Action Group had previously warned that the vagueness of the Commission's proposals to restrict modifications could mean the ambitions of those who want to save us from ourselves might extend beyond the draft proposals that have been under discussion since 2010. We've drawn attention to Annex 2 (item 12) of the EU Type Approval and Market Surveillance Regulation before, which wishes to measure/control steerability, cornering properties and turn ability and this is what is playing out now. This development is part of the creation of the Delegated Acts, the technical specifics designed to accompany the Regulation and the very specifics we were concerned that the members of IMCO hadn't been able to see. (IMCO is the committee who voted on 5th Dec to approve the Regulation through it's First Reading). Remember the regulation has two more stages to pass through; The Council (National Governments) and the full EU Parliament. In response to that IMCO vote, the European Twowheel Retailers' Association (ETRA) recently said "If the current text of article 18 is adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, all usual changes asked by motorcyclists to their garages for either riding comfort, fuel efficiency, or to suit their style and taste, will be illegal or will have to be checked and approved, thus making motorcycling more expensive and servicing more burdensome. As regards article 52 on System components and separate technical units, the report has left the current text practically unchanged. Once again we want to express our concerns on the negative effects it can have on the sales and service sector, such as preventing the sale of all systems, components or separate technical units which have dual use, i.e. which are used for both sport activities (not taking place on public roads) and for road use. " So the retailers of Europe aren't very happy and neither it would seem are the manufacturers ACEM (the association of European manufacturers) said of the IMCO vote and specifically the mandatory fitment of ABS on all bikes and scooters "On this point, ACEM deplores the IMCO vote outcome, which would translate into a heavier burden due to the added costs of more stringent environmental and safety measures. This applies in particular to light motorcycles and scooters of the 125cc class (L3-A1), which form the core of the EU ailing market and provide urban mobility and social cohesion benefits to citizens, as recognised by the IMCO report itself. For this category of motorcycles, ACEM regrets that safe advanced braking systems alternatives to ABS such as Combined Braking Systems have been scrapped from the available safety measures, effectively wiping out years of investments in research and development. Furthermore, IMCO voted against amendments supporting international harmonisation in terms of the durability test procedure, which brings unnecessary duplications of tests and costs to industry and, in the end for the consumer, without any measurable environmental benefit. " So it looks like just about everybody is unhappy with developments so far and now as the Delegated Acts develop I'm sure the politicians and bureaucrats will continue to upset people. MAG's campaigning against the creeping scope of interference in riders' right to choose what kind of bike they ride continues in 2012. I hope you can encourage everyone you know to Join MAG and help in the battle. The full EU Parliament is due to vote on this on 14th March, so that means your MEPs All the best Paddy Tyson Campaigns Co-ordinator Motorcycle Action Group
  4. I love white powder coated wheels, they're the Dogs Danglers
  5. what he means chad is it's 7800 miles away from your huose
  6. Just been looking at bike of the month pics, do my eyes deceive me or has Dave actually been out on his poor unloved Bandit , also didnt realize you had a bandit XS
  7. well if some bird did that with our weather it would be like having a 12bore pressed into your back
  8. I've heard of the bike one before, they state health and safety as some eeegit spilled petrol while sat on his bike filling up somewhere, might have been a fire but cant remember, still stupid if you ask me, I wonder if pillions have to get off??
  9. Glad to be of help mate, I'm sure most on here would have done the same
  10. I remember it last time I was there, not my kinda thing but still awesome to look at
  11. Chad stop being a ponce about it and use the side of a matchbox it will be fine.
  12. I did a really stupid thing the other day, my mate took me to BMW in Northampton for a look around, as we arrived I saw a really nice tourer, so I had a sit on it, it was great till my mate pointed out that it wasn't for sale and was in fact a customers bike parked up What a bloody plonka, I could have died with emarrassment, lucky for me no one noticed
  13. well I'm pretty fit for my age so she must be using me in my sleep
  14. 14 years for me still feel like a kid at heart, my kids call me a moany old git since the bike has gone my kids call me that and i still have a bike, come to think, so do my work mates
  15. every cloud has a silver lining Dave, Chad won't be able to retire till he's 70
  16. RichardH

    Another Newbie

    welcome aboard, i know nowt about spanners myself but plenty on here that do.
  17. Made me smile Don't forget the other book Dave "sex for one"
  18. Got these two books from santa, they look like a good read, any others you recommend? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Uneasy-Rider-Travels-Through-Mid-Life/dp/0091923263/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1325708761&sr=1-4 http://www.amazon.co.uk/That-Bike-Diesel-Mate-Australia/dp/1857885627/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1325709079&sr=1-1
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