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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. you'll have an arse like a blood orange Chad when dave gets his hands on you
  2. is that a no then ? dunno dave do you have any daughters
  3. Darn, forgot about this and have arranged to go to a rally in Notts
  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/If-You-Dont-Ride-Rain-Biker-Sew-Patch-/330580067025?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4cf81b82d1
  5. Always good to see someone return to the flock
  6. dont worry I am taking my still saw different hotel it is haha. Wont know my room them muhahaha. He's also got the pin-hole camera as well , so best be extra careful I think you miss read it mate, it's a bum hole camera
  7. is that the one you just fixed up? , told you to mot it!
  8. the gave us the room for FREE didnt charge us a penny party That's the one then, we all stay there and I hammer shit out of the door, job done
  9. I'm on here far too much and really need to get a life
  10. they certainly don't seem to fit the image i have of HAs. If any read this please dont kill me it's just a joke
  11. i bet they get well tyred of peeps taking the micky
  12. http://youtu.be/oagE6Dx2y84 How do i put the actual video up here as apposed to the link??
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