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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. smudgeandsmear are you a gynecologist, hmmn bet i get in trouble for that one I'll apologise in advance as I've been drinking
  2. my advise is wait till your daughter comes home
  3. i thought it was quiet tonight but I just noticed it's Americas got talent final, nuff said
  4. amazing, that bloke has no fear
  5. well done mate, another 10 and you get your long service medal
  6. wait there I'll get my gun and join you
  7. still a feather weight compared to the bandit
  8. Sounds and looks bloody awesome mate Out of interest, what does it weigh?
  9. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Wi-Fi-Booster-Using-Only-a-Beer-Can
  10. It's 2012 and it's the Olympics in London . A Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman want to get in, but they haven't got tickets. The Scotsman picks up a manhole cover, tucks it under his arm and walks to the gate. "McTavish, Scotland ," he says, "Discus" and in he walks. The Englishman picks up a length of scaffolding and slings it over his shoulder. "Waddington-Smythe, England " he says, "Pole vault" and in he walks. The Irishman looks around and picks up a roll of barbed wire and tucks it under his arm. "O'Malley, Ireland " he says, "Fencing."
  11. Don't know what the fuss is all about looks perfectly edible to me? Nearly as good as my cooking that Stue i thought it was a Christmas cake
  12. well I got to the bottom of the £50 hike. I went online with MCN compare and got a quote for Swinton ( my present insurer)and low and behold it was £50 cheaper, when i rang up they gave me the insurance at that price (now £105) I enquired as to how they got the more expensive quote only a day earlier and got the old chestnut of "the quote for £105 is for NEW customers" but we will let you have it. I've had this new customers only lark before with braodband, when I point out that I will be tell them to fook off and stick their product in the next 10 secs , therefore rendering myself a new customer, suddenly they want to give me the new price, funny that eh Rant over and out
  13. Numpty mode rofl!! that must be the "Auto" function then :P yes mate easy mode You can't beat point and click
  14. OK enough a*se likin, let's get back to takin the
  15. well that should keep blokes insurance down , coz all they will do is charge women more, they must have thought all their xmas and birthdays came together when that ruling was made.
  16. excellent pics matey you certainly have an eye for an artistic shot
  17. Had to dig these out Fra99y, well good quality on your pics, do you have a posh camera?
  18. only £160 but it was £120 last year, it just really me off how they load it up all the time
  19. strange, when i copy your reply the link is there but not on my main page that's weird it appreared when I posted my reply
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