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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I need to wait till mid Aug so i get my no claims but will do
  2. Just having a look at whats about Stu
  3. Just saw this, first white one I've seen, well nice http://www.wheelsmotorcycles.co.uk/content/pages/used/usedbikes/2009--SUZUKI-GSF%201250%20SA%20K9-1255cc/6603.htm#eq1 Hope the link works
  4. Well nice meeting you, young lady.
  5. (PS this dosent mean im leaving the forum i will still be here talking bo****ks ) Wouldn't want it any other way Dude
  6. RichardH


    well howdy partner, ye ha!
  7. Hope they don't use them awful lights on the speed triple
  8. looks nice in with the poppies
  9. Ooooh ya bugger that sounds painful, sympathies mate
  10. Despite the weather we still had a laugh, great to finally meet folk from the forum, here's a few more pics. Gotta get me one of these Look Lads a pic of myself in the shower! Do I look camp in this? OUCH! I think I caught my kagool Face stuffing time
  11. I really really like this idea thanks for your time and effort, and that goes to everyone who as given there input, when Dave gets back from im sure he will agree When Dave gets back from the pub I think he'll agree to pretty much anything!
  12. If the accommodation is in place, the premium ought to cover it. Smile can't argue with that, although I wasn't making an point for insurance ,I was talkin in general
  13. must admit that i agree with the sports bike bit, really should be single seaters in my opinion
  14. who's taking the caravan tommorrow then
  15. Fine for me Chad if ur moms gonna be there
  16. dont know about monkeys nuts, but i dont care either Ride the bike or sit in the pub with like minded nutters, sounds like a superb weekend ahead to me
  17. In the main tent, they will have you on your knees
  18. I'm happy to poodle there with you matey, give your missus a bit of encouragement
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