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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I just rang the camp and apparantly they have a with my name on it
  2. I'm sure One of Daves photos was him using an electric toothbrush on his downpipes
  3. Dave has requested "making your mind up" (Bucks Fizz)
  4. it ent going to be me thats for sure.! the disc lock ent for my bike its for me tent. Laughing mines alarmed so I'm safe
  5. Sponge bob will be the least of your worrys when u wake sun morn in "that" double sleeping bag...
  6. So who's gonna be spending all tommorrow polishing their bikes, so it's shiney, shiney for the rideout
  7. i was fairly ok wrist injury back injury my wife she broke her femur was so tough but we pulled through she aint riding at the mo want to get her on her own bike and to join the forum Jesus! that must have been a close call Dude
  8. You little suck up, know whos tent youll be knocking on haha LMFAO
  9. OOPH!!Not going to clash with your thong is it? Nah, I'll change to the leopard skin
  10. He txt me earlier hes wearing is latex instead, black in colour Laughing hide OOPH!!
  11. well looks there is plenty of options for mods there mate.
  12. If it takes him as long to pick dinner as it has to pick his outfit, you'll all starve
  13. Only got textile so guess I'm wearing that, or the leather thong
  14. Looking good for me at the mo, happy to meet the Northampton lot on the way through
  15. pretty thin Not a chance mate, handlebars are well wide, cracking bike though.All the adventure bikes are no goes as are all cruisers, just too wide. I need to move to a bike friendly house.
  16. Yeh, I like the sprint but I took a vfr800 out last week and didnt like the riding position (too much on the wrists) I heard that the Sprint was sportier so would be even more on the wrists. also it cant be more than 31inches wide so have to look and measure ( yes i know the fjr is huge)
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