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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I know what you mean. I have sat on a few and it don't feel right at all.Love the noise they make though
  2. Well done Chad, now you can afford to come to the camping weekend
  3. I have a special device that was fitted as standard to my bike, it stops me going to fast where the cameras are, oh yeh it's called a speedometer and lets me know how fast I'm going all the time I'm on the .Of course I never go faster than that kind man in the blue uniform tells me I can go
  4. You broke a mirror lately matey? Had to duck yesterday to stop a pigeon hitting my head
  5. I fancy getting some kind of cruiser but don't like the way your feet are so far forward, Is it possible/easy to bring the foot pegs/controls back to a more natural sitting position?
  6. Chad, what do you mean WHEN I was a kid
  7. Don't really have a favorite sort, I want o ride all of them, more have a least fav and that's sports bikes as I don't like the riding position.
  8. I like to be different, so got me some Chooks
  9. RichardH

    leather jeans

    44 inch waist, JESUS
  10. I would do the decent thing and pull that thong out for her before it got sore
  11. It just beggers belief, wtf is this place coming to!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. RichardH


    Hmmn, what's wrong with Hondas?
  13. "Dont cry because they are not here, smile because they once were" Love that Dude, I will use that one in future, great sentiment
  14. Very nice mate but a bit over the top to sell pegs from
  15. might not be after sympathy but still shite news Dude
  16. Yeh, It's code for" blimey mate, I wish I had the balls to do that "
  17. RichardH

    Bonnieville Se

    Can't believe that hasn't been snapped up Rose, cracking bike
  18. heres a must have for stue http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RIZLA-SUZUKI-RACE-CAP-OFFICIAL-PRODUCT-/180683794100?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a1197e6b4 That's his old school cap
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