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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I'm toying with going up the scale (600 bandit now) and doing a bit of touring etc, been looking at allsorts, the GSX1250F would probably suite my needs but why is it that the 600 have half decent paint jobs but the 1250s are well dull and boring, also looking at Honda Cbf1000, Yam fjr1300 (bit big)kwaksx1000 and anything else that takes my fancy should be in whats your next bike really
  2. Sorted, gonna get one of these I wonder if they do them with panniers?
  3. RichardH


    Dude, welcome welcome
  4. what a bummer Rose, there but for the grace of God go all of us.
  5. when you coming here Sweban, we could do a rideout for you
  6. One that is 31 inches wide max, so it will go down the damn alley to my garden!
  7. So whos getting the first round in Laughing thumbs DAVE
  8. Bacon yuk.... sausages better![/quote] So let me get this straight (straight being the word ). ...you would rather have sausage?[/quote] Hide a sausage
  9. could be time to do a quick poll, not an actual vote but a poll to see the direction peeps want to go in.
  10. Nice one, if you need the chain doing, I'm your man
  11. 1st october, brilliant day http://www.ridetothewall.org.uk/
  12. Thanks Dude, feeling the love
  13. Yeh right, that.ll be as tight as I can get it then will that be tight enough then It'll have to be mate, no torque stuff here, lucky to have a spanner that fits
  14. make sure you do it up to the right torque thumbs Yeh right, that.ll be as tight as I can get it then
  15. Ok chaps job done, I was doing it right, no split pin just done up chuffin tight, big spanner and stood on it, violla! Thanx for your help
  16. Tried both DM, wont budge, I will take it back to where the wheel was put on but didnt want to look dafter than I am AHH, SPLIT PIN
  17. you talkin to someone that knows jack shit about bikes, I just ride em
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