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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Thanks Rose, don't suppose i can stick it in your washing machine Just sent Hg an email
  2. there arn't any on the main jacket, but there are some on the lining, wasn't sure if it for just the lining or not Now I know why bikers wear black!!
  3. It's crap mate, but if I can do this on basic software what can a geek do
  4. Come on Guys, there has to be some computer geeks out there that can do a proper job
  5. OK, I have a high vis Hein Gereick textile jacket, that is now low vis, anyone know the best way to clean this and keep it waterproof. I will contact HG but its too late now, so over to you folks
  6. RichardH


    Hellloooo, love the artwork of Dave you've done on that heel plate
  7. Cheese manufacturer eh, well just remember to drive Caerphilli
  8. Is it just me or are you getting a map of America??
  9. I took one for a test drive but didn't like it, after the sit up position of my Bandit I found the riding pos of the VFR too much on the wrists, lovely looking bike though.
  10. I realise the rules are no posts without pics but weather is and I like the idea of this and thought it needed to be back at the top
  11. Bloody wimp, barely a flesh wound
  12. attracting your man sack to the fuel tank but this soon disappears when you get a little more speed up So where exactly does your man sack go then? no photos please
  13. Nice one Manx, that lot should keep The OCD folk on here busy for a while
  14. Suppose we should give the chap a chance, if it's for real he should be applauded for his efforts, you just never know.
  15. OMG! chuffing idiot should be banned for life!!!!
  16. This post seems to have bee hijacked by cottagers
  17. Awwww Jax, was looking forward to meeting you , ah well have a great time at the races
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