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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. supose you would need prices for stickers etc, so you would get a better idea of who's going to buy them, I certainly would if the price is right
  2. A man approaches a young woman in a shop. he says I can’t find my wife, can I talk to you for a few minutes? the woman says sure but do you have any idea where your wife is? Not a clue he says but whenever I talk to a woman with tits like yours she appears out of nowhere!
  3. yep, like that, still has the inbuilt cock
  4. I know sod all about phones but most peeps I know with Iphones say they are rubbish and wish they hadn't jumped on the band wagon
  5. It's been 9 wonderful years with stue11 I love you I've had 9 wonderful years with my wife, been married for 21
  6. I can't believe this thread is still going, two different forums covering different bikes ( as in single or multiple makes) There really is nothing to compare, IMHO both are excellent sites
  7. he likes the young uns Chad but you might have to fight day101 for him.
  8. Tax dodging lol! Yeh, I do hope you're doing the decent thing and declaring it to customs and excise
  9. 18th is the only date poss for me, and thats not definate at the mo
  10. 1992, wow that's well tidy, good find Dude
  11. home bargains do it for £1 a roll dave thumbs There you go Dave, want a bargain, ask a Nortener
  12. I want to know where all the pics of Stus bike came from, he had it under cover within 2 mins of turning it off.
  13. Hoping to go, not sure which day yet Chad you won't get there on your £10 allowance
  14. sounded like you was getting pipped in that tent or honked
  15. Big thanks to Dave for organising and scoping out the site and ensuring the facilities were as needed. Shame the weather wasn't better, but such is life. Got chance to chat with all and the weekend was still a good one Looking forward to the next one (Weather was awful. Rain from Rotheram to Middlesbrough Hot tea needed to thaw out the hands ) About to put the photos on photobucket. Will post a note when they're on there. TOP MAN!!
  16. Didn't realize that was a link to Pbucket Mike , great pics and a much better way to do it than downloading loads, must go on and see how to do it
  17. so you wasnt that young then? didnt think the push bike was invented when you was a kid?nor me they were Chad just had a great big wheel at the front and tiny one at the back
  18. not especially but never seen one before then found 2 straight away, they do look nice though
  19. And another http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2009-Suzuki-GSF1250SA-Bandit-K9-/110695510066?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item19c5f77032
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