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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I'm sure there's a joke just longing to get out here
  2. ooo ya bugger, thats bad luck m8, welcome to the madness
  3. thats well not funny lol
  4. I want a "BOB " too No probs, I'll let him have your number
  5. I do Photobucket but flikr works the same. Is that you Rose???
  6. no m8 a lot better bikes out there than the bandit
  7. It's bad to see some one having an off, but what an amazing photo
  8. sorry chaps, i found it by accident, turns out it was almost over.
  9. Well, Dave should be OK, he has his own "built in" panniers
  10. Would you wear them inside or outside of boots. Depends wether you're a chav or not
  11. Don't take no for an answer Mrs Stu11, can you bring me some beer also please, no room on my bike
  12. Yeh, Stan just told me on the chatbox, A proper English hero
  13. no can do, I work 12hour shifts so would need to take 2 shifts off and also loose first2 days pay, never mind I'll get myself on one of em, I have took holiday for the camp over
  14. U missed a gud 1 m8, get yourself on the next 1, may 20 th, we riding to Daves neck of the woods. Weekend of nightshifts
  15. wow, amazing, must have his feet glued to the pegs.
  16. well p*ssed off, had to finish my chicken run then go get some chooks, chuffin place was closed could have come anyway
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