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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. On the p..s or repaireing clocks
  2. This is what ive used for a couple of years love the stuff can spray it on everything except the tyre's http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Motul-Motorcycle-Shine-Go-Wax-Wash-Dry-Cleaner-/300824202232?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item460a850bf8
  3. Excellent its nice to get out and about even if it is a short ride...make sure you wash all the salt of her before bedtime
  4. Yea Alan time flies that was a good ride what with xs1100 leading the way
  5. Nice one Steve house moves are always stressfull, and yea your right on the weahther front..your not missing nowt
  6. Thanks all feel happier when shes been cleaned
  7. Do folk want any business or what....
  8. Same here mate put the hard work in and the dollas will come
  9. The way our forcast is looking i might sell me bike
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