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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. I agree helping each other out thats all you can wish for from the forum Nice one Mike
  2. Poor bugga sounds like he had chatter and tyre issues...ile find out soon hes now leading the championship
  3. excellent Mike Talking to the lads yesterday and they normally head down on the Thursday and leave Saturday afternoon/night. Will jump in with them if poss. Will let you know
  4. Morning Dave Your order is in the process of being embroidered, should be ready early next week
  5. Same every year nobody ever listens to a car parking attendant, they should employ police for such big events
  6. always had sky purely for me racing couldnt live without it
  7. Every tester is different but yea she passed
  8. It's a Kawa, what else am I going to do with it? Paint it blue
  9. Stue11

    Me new boots ;)

    No im gonna keep her
  10. Sorry to read this Dick, but atleast she's at rest bless her, we are all here if needed ..
  11. Congrats on the baby front but get rid of bike
  12. Stue11

    Me new boots ;)

    Thats ok Mike they wernt on the table..there on top of the Vivarium
  13. Stue11

    Me new boots ;)

    It was between these and the new Alpinestars smx boot, but these Rst were mine the min i slipped me feet into em...Fairplay they are comfy, time will tell on how long they last
  14. Stue11


    Hello and welome onboard i you other half and hope all ends up well
  15. Very nice loving the green
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