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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Hands up who'd want to tell Stue his bike had failed an MOT? would have to be a brave mot man......
  2. FFs mine looks dirty compared to this baby Nice one Lee
  3. Wont be missing a single min
  4. Thats what parents work hard for, to hopefully leave there loved ones something out of what theyve worked for nice one Alan enjoy
  5. Shes booked in for 1.30....ermmmm to cold to ride so im getting someone alse to take it for me
  6. thats what you get for working on caravans ian ,hope your better soon m8 Ile ban him if i here that forbidden word again Caravan
  7. think ive done that just today stue haha! i must have closed not shy of 1000 now. probably 800ish Well done mate, just doin those 200 miles had me chain going brown so i had to spend all last weekend cleaning her
  8. Yea i agree im gonna miss March
  9. Cracking pics Chad thanks for shareing em
  10. Well you Wooden believe It Wood you
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