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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Bloodhell Dave youve got a weird looking hands
  2. Spotted this what do ya think....and as anyone heard of the garage, let us know as im thinking of going to view it the weekend if pos http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170624347972&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  3. Playing in goal at 5 a side monday night and the ball bent me likkle finger right back.. looking at it in horror and then quickly realising action had to be taken i pulled it back into place its a bit black today and still a likkle soare but theres movement and not so much pain
  4. Allthough a good vid mate, ive got to be honest id prefer to have one strapped to me bike as us bikers are constantly moving our heads and therefor the cam follows, but thats just my own opinion, good quality vid though mate
  5. Still cant decide allthough ive got a couple more months of saving to do, ive ridden the B12 and the sv1000s but not the gsx1400 so i think closer to the time i better book a test ride and maybe then ile make me choice
  6. Quite agree Whats this a wife agreeing with her husband Has he seen the new shoes yet ? Your a man of experiance running shoes actually and a new bloody saddle for the horse
  7. Well done everyone for taking part
  8. Great pics thanks for sharing
  9. Got to be honest Rob ive riden me mates and i prefer the sv1000s anyday the Z just didnt feel right
  10. Thanks everyone for your replies it means alot i will have money saved by the time for our annual rideout still havent a clue what i want... if anyone finds or hears of anything worth looking at please inbox me
  11. I ended up replacing the tyres as well because they were super old anyway For a little bike like mine, 2 tyres, 2 inner tubes and 2 rim tapes cost over £100! And it was somewhat of a shame to find that Michelin tyres are now made in Thailand..They were made in Tai for there market only ie warmer climates, hence why they were cheaper i only know this as i work for Michelin through ATS Michelin are made all over the world Bar our own country each made for there own specifications
  12. yeah they are good but its the breaks that spoil it stu and no you wont beat suzi but they did make a hash of it.dont think they got any of the nationalitys right did they .And who is that girl anyway?good race though i thought God nows Onslow i haventa clue...
  13. Mate no disrespect to ya by anymeans but Julian and Toby now there stuff ive listened to them from day one, what they dont know aint worth knowing trust me Up untill 2year ago eurosport did have the live broadcast, then they decided to give it to the bbc, be honest everyone... when did you last see the bbc advertise a race weekend...never... they have the rights to broadcast but never advertise give it back to eurosport anyday
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