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Everything posted by BanditMike

  1. cool m8 , look forward to seeing you Would drop in mate, but I think the lads are planning on being there for 9. Let me know when you're there and will meet for a tea/coffee Travel safe mate and will see you there
  2. Probably there Saturday, unless there's another Newark Show!?!! Will text you to see if you're there and maybe meet up. We're leaving here about 7, so probably there for 9 or so. Have a good one mate and maybe see you there
  3. Like a woman who wants to paint the front room every year
  4. BanditMike

    Hi everyone

    Welcome on board mate Looks like you've settled straight in
  5. Let us know when mate, could be interested in that
  6. Looking forward to it mate. Cheers for putting my name up
  7. That sign should have said "River crossing road"
  8. or "what would you miss the most" Guy . "my tool box" And refreshing for his honesty
  9. And to you and Mel. Have a good new year and all best for 2014. Same to everyone on the forum. Take care, ride safe and will hopefully see some of you during the course of the year. Have a good 2014!!
  10. Good point. Elements like the GNAA provide life-saving services, but receive no funding. I know of two lads (we all probably know of someone) one of whom is still walking the other probably still breathing thanks to the air ambulance.
  11. Watched it on the 4OD Player. Credit to the lad for managing to stay behind the truck!! Nice use of it slow down Loved his discussion with Laura Trott, "You do this every day!!"
  12. Never a big fan of his, but had to respect his skill and drive to win. Hoping for a recovery
  13. Unfortunately I do agree with most of the sentiment here. I have the same reaction when I see the "Water", "Syrian" or "Food" adverts. If the world really want to so something, then the governments of the countries in question need to be looked at and "amended". A figure I heard recently is that over £50 billion in charity donations (and I think that's low) has been pumped into Africa and basically nothing has changed. In one country the 30 billion debt was written off by the IMF. The following week the head of the government had a brand new 747, for himself, on the runway. How can that be? The Western governments are scared to get too deeply involved in Africa because of the accusations of "Colonialism" or maybe someone accuses them of "Racism". But the Africans aren't helping themselves. Zimbabwe has had a dictator at it's head since the 80s and no-one does anything. Even the African countries are scared to intervene. Add Chinas involvement in Africa to all that, and everyone turns a blind eye cause they're frightened to get involved. So while I do agree, I can't see anything changing any time soon. Right. Time to breather after all that
  14. Hopefully not too bad mate. Just maybe re-tightening a few screws?
  15. Fair comment, and a valid one. Hopefully they get the recognition they deserve for their work
  16. Got books, DVDs (so need some new bookshelves), smellies, chocolate (Toblerone), some money and Christmas at the lads new place with the rest of the family. Good time had No Gym membership for me Maybe you lads need to catch up
  17. My fault I think mate. I put up a comment about if you had a Paypal account. Did it more as a reminder but I think mis-understanding crept it. Apologies. I see mike not to worry. And to your question yes I do have paypal. Will ring accommodation in the new yr and find out what they need of us. OK mate. Let us know what you need and will get sorted
  18. Had mine up to 130 in 3rd, then common sense kicked in
  19. Good of him to come and give you a hand, you're probably not the first and likely won't be the last to do it. You're right about the cold. It's surprising how quickly your body shuts down when it gets cold. A warning to all out there.
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