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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. Mum wont do it so I am. This could end with blood and tears Was going on a jacket but got too many so luggage bag it is
  2. still a week to go! so anyone wanting calendars let me know £10 including postage to you, and im hoping them to be with everyone bfore the end of the month
  3. begining of that race between pedrosa and lorenzo was brilliant, glad to see marquez play ti safe, but a well deserved championship to marquez!! thatll be one for the record books! next rossi??
  4. got a bit worried first reading that! youve done a great job stue, im sure we will all still see you about
  5. and that m25 ride on sunday! to do the red ring
  6. been pushign my luck with it all summer would die after 2 weeks, ill shove new one on, least ittle be fresh for the next owner
  7. screwed to the wall and kit wired onto the bike, my battery was on 9.2 volts think its buggered lol. final cold spell has killed it!
  8. did see it before but this explained it much better
  9. yes thank you LORD Dirtydog hahaha and that is 10 calendars so far, thanks to everyone so far!
  10. worlds first bike where you want some snow!
  11. Did you find them expensive Chad? probably i was like 14/15 racing on the track sdad paid a lot of it! also had full ohlins rear spring and shock brilliant, £1500 quids worth of rear suspension
  12. hope it get sorted mate! least their both ok! getting dark and wet people just dont pay attention enough, and dont stop as quick
  13. Find put how many and I'll weight last years calendar for a postage quote
  14. i had my motocross forks once done witn their springs, seals the lot etc, such an imprevment!
  15. good job you kept your picture the same!
  16. Ahh explains it did pm you. I was worried to who it was lol
  17. does it have the attachment to leave on the bike you can just plug in? id be interested, need something for the winter as mine got broken :/
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