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Everything posted by Oldfart

  1. Or there is always this http://www.beds4bikers.com/
  2. Hein Gericke UK goes into administration!!! Rossi to sign for Yamaha as Lorenzo's number two!!!!
  3. Looks like a set of Givi Panniers to go with the top box Dave. Dont forget that a lot of campsites now will let you post the bulky items in a parcel and keep it til you get there then just have the Royal Mail, UPS whatever pick it up and send it to your home when you leave. Did it lots of times especially for the TT.
  4. Look at these as well http://www.thebikerguide.co.uk/bikercampingequipment.html
  5. Only cuz the leccies are in a PANNIER. I bet you'd love it if the wiring could be squeezed under the seat. And you could put the battery in a TOPBOX like Daves
  6. Always used Givi. Excellent quality. My V46 takes two full face lids and is not too large or obtrusive. Dont go too small.
  7. Same thing happened at Hunstanton in Norfolk. After 12 months of no bikes the Council held a bikers meeting to ask them back. It will turn Matlock into a ghost town.
  8. Modern oils will work way beyond their stated service limit and still lubricate and protect. Remember service intervals are 'recommended' not set in stone. Get it done on your return and enjoy the trip.
  9. So sorry to hear the news Gary. Been widowed ('99) and divorced last year and as has been said separate the emotional from the financial. I did get shafted trying to play the good guy. As Stue says your children are the important aspect as it will be hard for them as well. I do hope all works out and yes as one door closes another does open. Theres a lot of support and advice on this forum thats why its so great. Chin up m8
  10. Love the meercat, looks like Alexander. Simples
  11. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/General-news/2012/July/jul2712-petition-against-matlock-bath-parking-plans/?__ia=discussThisSection&fb_action_ids=4428627957501&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_source=timeline_og&action_object_map=%7B%224428627957501%22%3A10151110132933846%7D&action_type_map=%7B%224428627957501%22%3A%22og.recommends%22%7D&action_ref_map=[] Petition to prevent parking charges for bikers
  12. Would look better with a works paint job
  13. Nice project but would need a ladder to reach the seat with my dumpy little legs
  14. Nearly bankrupted Australia when they held it. I used to train Construction workers for the Olympic Park. It will be at least 7 years before anyone can live there after the games. We will have to pay for all this. The only winners are the sponsors, suppliers and vendors.
  15. Think the dog got the best deal. A nice dip in the water!!!
  16. Its the Jodrell Bank telescope and right at the back are the Welsh Hills
  17. Its the River Manifold thats at Wetton Mill in the Manifold Valley
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