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Proof of God

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Everything posted by Proof of God

  1. dont do it!! worst decision for my forum ever made.
  2. I truly wish with all my heart that I didn't convert my site. I can't do any searches for information (and my site is a database of information). Please tell me I can go back to the old forum or that there is a fix for this nightmare.
  3. Also, I did end up killing a rattler by throwing something on it. 2017 After the ants were chewing on him for a little bit. It slithered under a piece of plywood and I threw a cement statue on top of it and crushed it.
  4. He was finally saved a couple of years ago. I NEVER thought I would see it happen but to God be the glory! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!
  5. I'm FINALLY finishing the book and I want to use this story, D. May I please!?!
  6. Well, I once had a dream that was so similar to this its uncanny. I used some of to the same words. "It's moving faster than you think." My dream was about Hurricane Rita. I am currently traveling and in NC... maybe I'm a sibling facing a storm.
  7. Are your siblings on the East Coast?
  8. Praise God on your niece! And I am a firm believer that substances affect our dreams.
  9. Lol..let us give everyone 7-10 chances. :)
  10. Daisy, Please interpret the dream with the above interpretation. It goes well with the scripture that Mark supplied and it gives her areas to think about other than the spiritual.
  11. I am going to be busy for a few days but I shall be back ASAP.
  12. If there are no feelings, there is no contradiction but that isn't likely. I can seriously say 'never' should they contradict each other.
  13. Daisy!!! So good to see you!!! Please share this entire post with her, omitting whatever you feel led to omit, but I would share it all! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo glad to see you. I've been thinking about you every time I come to the site. Love, Mia
  14. The strangest thing happened this afternoon... for some reason I decided to go through a bunch of dreams and stumbled upon this one from Glad from a bit ago. It totally fits.... Let me know, in all honesty, if you agree. /t21201-chute-into-rushing-white-and-wild-water#111120
  15. I probably should have used more words but this is what I sent: It's me again. I've had you on my heart all morning and it keeps coming to me that you really need to take a stand for yourself and your children and leave. It doesn't have to be permanently but you have to take a stand for what is right. http://www.christianpost.com/news/how-to-respond-to-verbal-emotional-abusers-78253/ This is a great thread and I have used it myself. Hugs, Mia
  16. That's what I was going to say but then I thought, "She wouldn't have another dream if she left. She would only have one if she stayed."
  17. I don't know what else to say to her. I'm not usually at a loss for words except I would tell her to LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.... and I don't know if that is my place to do so.
  18. Hi Mia, Yes both dreams came before the last episode, my daughter's was early Friday morning, mine was on Saturday morning and the episode was Sunday evening, but like I said, my daughter was thankfully absent. She did not tell me her dream until Monday night. Thank you for your advice Mia. I am waiting on God and the word "now is the time", just wanting to make sure I hear correctly and I am obedient in what I do. Blessings, Glad
  19. Glad, Did the dream come before this last episode? It seems like the dreams are a warning that things are going to escalate. It is a warning, if the dreams came before this latest episode. You should seriously pray and seek counseling, from your church if you are a member somewhere. I would pray and ask God what you should do and take these warnings very seriously. I don't believe that God condones any kind of abuse and neither should you. Seriously, seek help. Even verbal abuse is a horrible thing for your children to live with. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Hugs, Mia Mia Sherwood
  20. Message Thread: Glad Wed 25 Mar 2015 - 16:25 Yes, it fits my family. What I can't figure out is why we get this dreams now. My husband has been verbally and emotionally abusive for years and years, so I am puzzled to why the dreams NOW. Two days after my daughter's dream a situation irrupted where for the first time ever I thought I would get hit by my husband. My 19 year old son intervened and it didn't escalate. People always tell me how nice my husband is - which he is, to everyone but us. I needed to know that my dreams are not interpreted by my knowledge, but I also need to know why the timing of this dreams. That is a bit unsettling for me. Thank you again, Glad
  21. You did very well and great interpretation. And good idea, I asked and will delete if she chooses.
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