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Proof of God

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Everything posted by Proof of God

  1. go to the start menu and click HELP, then in the HELP Search Box, type in screen size and it will tell you
  2. I can soooooooooooooooooooooo relate to that! For the first year or two I walked around like this:
  3. Our buttons are actually unlike buttons also. I probably should have kept that to myself.
  4. I have struggled with stress recently too. My struggles inspired this bible study. I hope it helps. /mia-s-musings-f27/praying-your-way-to-victory-t9971.htm?highlight=pray+victory
  5. :insertsarcasm:haha Ok I tried to go up two numbers but it threw everything out of whack. One number didn't. So is that any better?
  6. I added back the profile, pm and website buttons too. that took four hours
  7. What insensitive jesting? I missed it. The plus and minus buttons are to say you love this post!
  8. Desiree experienced the same thing. Right before the fall semester one year the Lord gave me a vision of her walking with a HUGE stack of books and I heard the word provision. However, she didn't get any financing that year. But the next year she was offered an awesome scholarship.
  9. This is like a reputation button. Click on the + or - button on the right of the post and that will add or subtract from the OPs We Love Your Post meter.
  10. lol Your use of the icons made me think.... we need some new smileys before D gets tired of these since half your conversations include smileys. Then, I thought well the smileys would look way better on a white background........................ here were are.
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