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Everything posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Dreamer, Did you get that in your email? I did send it to you. God bless, Connie
  2. No problem here my friend, anytime! God bless! Connie
  3. Dreamer, I have been where you are and I have empathy for the situation. Let me speak over you some blessings.....I got this many years ago and I speak it over my life everyday! It has totally changed my world. I AM 1. A child of God (Rom 8:16) 2. Redeemed from the hand of the enemy (Ps 107:2) 3. Forgiven (Col 1:1-14) 4. Saved by Grace through faith (Eph 2:8) 5. Justified (Rom 5:1) 6. Sanctified (1 Cor 6:11) 7. A new creature (2Cor 5:17) 8. Partaker of His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) 9. Redeemed from the curse of the Law (Gal 3:13) 10. Delivered from the powers of darkness (Col 1:13) 11. Led by the Spirit of God (Rom 8:14) 12. A son of God (Rom 8:14) 13. Kept in safety wherever I go (PS 91:11) 14. Getting all my needs met by Jesus (Phil 4:19) 15. Casting all my cares on Jesus (1 Peter 5:7) 16. Strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephes 6:10) 17. Doing all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13) 18. An heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus (Rom 8:17) 19. Heir to the blessings of Abraham (Gal 3:13-14) 20. Observing and doing the Lords commandments (Deut 28:12) 21. Blessed coming in and going out (Deut 28:6) 22. An inheritor of eternal life (1 John 5:11-12) 23. Blessed with all spiritual blessings (Ephes 1:3) 24. Healed by His stripes (1 Peter 2:24) 25. Exercising my authority over the enemy (Luke 10:19) 26. Above only and not beneath (Deut 28:13) 27. More than a conqueror (Rom 8:37) 28. Establishings God's Word here on earth (Matt 16:19) 29. An overcomer by the blood of the lamb and word of my testimony (Rev 12:11) 30. Daily overcoming the devil (1 John 4:4) 31. Not moved by what I see (2 Cor 4:18) 32. Walking by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7) 33. Casting down vain imaginations (2 Cor 10:4-5) 34. Bringing every thought into captivity (2 Cor 10:5) 35. Being transformed by a renewed mind (Rom 12:1-2) 36. A laborer together with God (1 Cor 3:9) 37. The righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 5:21) 38: An imitator of Jesus (Eph 5:1) 39. The light of the world (Matt 5:14) I pray that this daily confession you speak over you changes and transforms you just like it did me. I would take each verse and find it in the word and meditate on it. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless! Connie
  4. Father, We lift up our friend Dreamer to you today Lord and thank you that you have ordained his steps. We thank you Lord that he is where you want him right now. Father we know that you will fight the battle on our behalf if we give it over to you.....we are giving this to you right now.....Father, Dreamer in his own power cannot do what needs to be done here to insure he is paid on time and that the checks don't bounce. He can't control that when that happens it messes with his bank account and that they expect him to take the heat for that or that he is being run ragged and time off seems to escape him on the weekends. Father we know that this is an attack of the enemy.....We come against that spirit of confusion, poverty, lack, discord and bind it in the name of Jesus and render it useless and void, we sever it ties to Dreamer or his employer, we bind it from physical manifestation or spiritual manifestation and cancel all its assignments. Father we ask that you would restore this situation and we thank you Lord that you will do it at exactly the right time because you are never late and never early. Father thank you that we hold no grudge against this employer for we know that the battle waged here is not of the flesh but of the spiritual realm and the people are but mere vessels. Father we forgive any unkind act toward Dreamer and speak a blessing over all parties involved. Father thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. We give you all the glory and the praise! your servant, Connie
  5. Lifedreamer, I so understand what you are talking about. God bless and thanks for sharing. Love in Christ, Connie
  6. I sent you a private message also. Please check your mailbox. God bless. Connie
  7. Father, We pray for our friend Jeannie who is going into surgery. Father we pray that you would give the surgeons steady and skillful hands. Lord we plead the Blood of Jesus over her right now and thank you for her full restoration. We give you all the glory and the praise! your servant, Connie
  8. I agree with Desiree. The written Word is our guide here. Speak the truth in love always and do so in decent and in order. Pray that God would reveal to you the way He wants you to handle the situation. Father, In the name of Jesus we ask that you would help our friend lifesdreamer in her current situation at church. Father we ask that you would send helpers to correct those who need it and that you would reveal to them the error of their ways. Father she will not move unless you tell her to do exactly that and we know that when you tell her Lord that the Pastor will receive it and act according to the Word with regard to it. Again Lord we give you all honor and all glory. your servant, Connie
  9. Desiree, I could not agree more here. This also happened to me. With me it was my family mostly. Sometimes for us to grow in the Lord it is necessary for Him to separate us from any who would hinder our walk with Him. I agree that sometimes that is just a temporary thing but sometimes not. I have also noticed that sometimes it is me who is the one who does not respond to the emails or letters from the old friends of the past in the same way. I really don't have anything to say to them anymore that we can connect with on the same level.....Cholette is right......Ain't God good! We are moving from Glory to Glory in Christ, so hang in there girl....it is not you but Christ working in you! We love you, Connie
  10. I will be happy to pray in agreement with you Dreamer. God bless, Connie
  11. I can't speak for others here but only for myself. When I gave my life to Christ, I did not ask for the Holy Spirit to baptize me. He came on His own. He is a promised gift from Jesus in John 16. I recommend you read the whole chapter. The Lord promises the Holy Spirit to us to guide us into all truth. He is our seal to the family/kingdom of Jesus. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is different. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is given to us for empowerment to enable us to do the work He has called us to do. This is talked about in Acts 2:1-4 during the Pentecost. There is much to learn, but be assured that we all have the Holy Spirit as a gift from Christ, but may not all have the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is used for empowerment of Ministry. It does take time to understand that but ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding while you read about it in the word and He will open your understanding according to the measure that you can receive it. God bless and I hope this helps, Connie
  12. I am just being obedient to the Father and praying for my friend. Love and blessings back at you Connie
  13. I could be wrong here but if you look for a fault you will find one. Put 10 people in a room and have them all tell the same story. Each person will remember that story somewhat differently. You have to look at the bigger picture here. Don't get hung up on semantics. For instance: does it really matter to the overall truth if Peter walked next to Jesus or if he sat next to Jesus? The truth is that Jesus was with Peter. The Bible is written by man inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Word and the Word is Truth.....you my friend have to make a decision to believe that Truth or not. I would seek out Jesus here and ask Him to define that Truth for you. Hope this helps, Connie
  14. Delaine, I would be happy to lift you in prayer and there is no time like the present! I will lift you up again in prayer this week. Know that we love you! Father, We lift our sister in Christ Delaine to you and ask Lord that you will be with her and give her encouragement as she undergoes surgery this week. Father we also ask that you would give the surgeons steady and skillful hands. Lord we come in agreement with Delaine and speak that she is healed in Jesus name and that no weapon formed against her will prosper. Jesus died for our healing....it says in your Word....by His stripes we were healed. You already paid the price! Lord we thank you for a speedy & full recovery. We give you all the glory and the honor and the praise!! your servant, Connie
  15. I agree with Delaine. They tell the story from their own perspectives. Each has a different spin on the same story. God Bless, Connie :cute:
  16. Resolution, God has perfect timing in everything He does. God will not be mocked. He is my beloved, so please do not insult Him in my presence. He will tolerate you for a time but what you are doing here is acting in disbelief. You either believe that He has already paid the price for your healing or you don't. Either way it is your choice. Every time something happens we don't understand we can't blame God. He loves us so much He gave us an ability to choose. You have the choice to believe or not believe and ultimatley you and only you can choose. Blessings, Connie
  17. Oops!!!! No fear of that Desiree is what I meant. Sorry sweatie!
  18. No fear of the Desiree! He is what I think, talk, and dream about always. I love Him more and more each day! God bless!
  19. Good morning everyone, I work as an Optician for an Eye Clinic here in Oklahoma City. I am also the Ladies Minister for our Church and the Lord a year ago gave me the name of the ministry. Now I needed a logo for the Ministry but it is so expensive to have someone do it and I am not gifted in this area. So here I am at work last week talking to a lady I only met 1 time. She is talking about how she is a graphic designer and makes logo's. I said, "hmmm, what do you charge for that, because I need one for my Ministry?" She said, "I can't charge God, there is no charge for Ministers or Ministries." I was like certainly I heard her wrong but no I did not. So the story ends like this: She will be making a logo for my Ministry at no charge to us, which is practically unheard of!!!! :PTL: :PTL: :PTL: :PTL: :PTL: :PTL: :PTL: God is so cool....I think I will give Him a big hug from me...... :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: Thank you Lord for being so awesome to me!!! Connie
  20. Amen and Amen. I will keep him in prayer Daph. God will be holding him the whole time. Love ya, Connie
  21. Father in the name of Jesus we come against the enemy right now and bind his power and render him mute and unconscious and command it to the feet of Jesus. Thank you Lord for your divine protection over these young men. Lord I thank you that you prevent these perpetrators from doing further harm to anyone. Lord in the days ahead I pray that you would give your peace to Mom (Tools2009) about this situation. Father I pray that you erase this memory from the little children Lord to protect them even in their dreams. Father thank you so much and we give you all the glory and the praise! your servant, Connie
  22. I will lift that in prayer. God bless, Connie
  23. I have not read either book..... The author Paula Price, does it say where she is from? God bless, Connie
  24. I don't blame you, but if you have to you can go with the full confidence that God is going before you and will protect you.. Amen and Amen!! Connie :giggle:
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