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Everything posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. RnestseekR, It just goes to show you that when we are close to the subject personally it is hard to see the obvious and don't you know that is the Lords way to show us in a playful way as to not make us feel bad. All lessons of encouragement come from the Father. God bless and I am glad that Grandma is getting better. Connie
  2. Resolution, It is up to us to take our cross to the feet of Jesus with fear and trembling. We are to trust God to handle our problem and to deliver us from the hand of the enemy. The biological need is a lie of the enemy. The enemy is a liar and a thief. We have ALL power against the enemy through Jesus Christ. He is faithful and He will do it but he is not a Genie in a bottle. He will do it in His time and for His glory. The very fact that you are telling us your problem tells me that you have a Repentant heart. So that means the Lord has heard you and answered your prayer. God wants none of us in bondage. He came that we would be free! Let me ask you these questions: 1-Did you Accept that you are a sinner in need of God? 2-Do you Believe that Jesus died and rose again for our sins? 3-Do you Confess that Jesus is Lord? If the answer is yes then you are saved and your salvation is secure. God does not waste time. None of us are a waste of time to Him! We are His special treasure! God bless, Connie
  3. Yes they have and thanks for reminding me.....sometimes I forget.....God bless and I am glad you enjoy my comments. God bless you and keep you! Connie
  4. Res, It is up to us to trust that God has forgiven us of our sins. You already have the Holy Spirit....You need not pray to receive Him...He is given to us a promise from Christ when we are saved. The Holy Spirit came to convict the WORLD of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement. However when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He speaks; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is mine and declare it to you. John 16:8-15. God wants us to be from every bondage. "Whom the son sets free is free indeed". Your salvation is never wasted and if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only son of the Father, that he died for your sins by becoming a man and dieing on the cross and rose again on the 3rd day and sits on the right hand of God the Father, then you are saved. You know when Christ died he died for all sin.....the sin of every man and woman.....he paid the price so we could be free.....we can never repay the debt....he died for every sin ever committed....the sins at the time for all humanity, the sins that had taken place prior to that time and all the sins that would ever take place in the world. That is why in the garden he sweat tears of blood, the battle was fierce spiritually and he paid the ultimate price....God wants us free and he wants us to enjoy the life he has given us. He loves us with an everlasting love....when the world rejects you, he will not reject you. The enemy is a liar and a thief. He comes in and tries to convince us that Jesus love is not real and that He enjoys watching us suffer.....no my friend He does not......He weeps when we weep, and He wants to carry us through every obstacle and trouble, but we have to willing to let Him do it! Jesus overcame the world so we would not have to....We have to be willing to surrender to Jesus and make Him Lord of our lives. I will continue to pray for you.....Read this scripture....... Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace. God bless Connie
  5. It is by grace we are saved. My body and mind are all decayed too. None of us are worthy......no not one... We all fall short of the glory of God. When Christ died in our place we became free from the curse of the law and free from condemnation. God will answer but we must be patient and wait on Him. He knows your struggles before we tell Him what they are. He loves us with an everlasting love, in spite of ourselves. Hang in there, I am still praying for you. God bless, Connie
  6. Amen you go girl! That is exactly what the Father wants us to do. Thank Him for the coming of the miracle. It is on the way! God Bless!
  7. I most certainly will. Remember He is Jehovah Jirah our Provider.....The Provider of all things. God bless and take care. Love in Christ, Connie
  8. I am glad I was able to help you take a breath. I will continue to pray for all in the area and keep me posted. God bless, Connie
  9. Toi, I am touching and agreeing with you right now in Jesus name. Father, In the name of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus over Toi home, family, friends, and children. Father we know that the enemy is trying to break apart relationships.....but Father we know that you are all about relationships and you have healed those broken or knicked relationships. Father we just pray that you would send your peace to Toi right now and that you would remove the ungodly and bring in the righteous in her situation. Father I speak into her life secure long lasting relationships with her daughter, family, friends, co workers and all those she associates with. Father we thank you in the name of Jesus and give you all the glory and the honor! Amen, your servant Connie
  10. To quote a friend of mine.....Ah Dah!!!! LOL. I am already praying for all of you there. We miss you too. I would be all to happy to keep you all in my prayers. Connie
  11. I sometimes go through a period of time where it seems I don't dream. I honestly do not know why that is. I just trust God to let me know if I need to do anything or if there is a different task he needs me to preform. God bless, Connie
  12. Dreamer, I will be praying for you while you are going through the aftermath of the storm. I am praising God you are safe. We all love you and can't wait for you to return. Love in Christ, Connie
  13. Dreamer, Did you receive your financial blessing? I am already thanking Jesus! Connie :PTL:
  14. oops sorry I meant life choices........ Connie
  15. Hi I just wanted to see how things are going regarding a job. Let me know. I am still claiming a job for you in Jesus name! God bless, Connie
  16. Oh I see. Well I would ask the Lord where He wants you to go....then act according to that word. Personally I found my church by asking Him where to go. If you do not agree with the practices there, that may be an indication from the Lord that you should not go. Just pray and see where the Lord would lead you in this area. God Bless, Connie
  17. Resolution: I could not agree with Desiree more here. Hang in and hold on to God! He will deliver you, I promise. Remember, nothing is to big for God. Love in Christ, Connie
  18. I am confused about the question.....How does it go against God to have black people at his church? Connie :huh:
  19. One other thought about first giving my life over to the Lord, I was also training at the time to be a minister so I felt totally under attack in that are. So hard enough when you are in your situation but imagine on top of that trying to be a minister of the Word. It was very tough for me.
  20. Sirianta, I know exactly how you feel. When I first gave my life over to the Lord, not just saved here, but when I totally committed myself to Him, I had the same problems with my husband. It says in the Word that we are to submit to our husbands. Now there is much debate here but the truth is we are to submit to him just as Christ submitted to the Church. In the family unit we represent the Church. The man in the house is to love his wife like Christ loved the church and we know that He laid his life down for the church. I would comply with my husbands wishes as long as they do not go against the direct will of the Lord or the written word of the Lord. If you are faithful to God's word and do what is right by it God will honor you. The Lord will turn this around I promise, he did for me. Do not give up on your marriage either....honor it and God will honor you. Father, I lay before you today Sirianta and ask you Lord to bring her peace which only you can give....Father I ask that you would give her strength to do what is right in the site of God and we know that you will honor her for it. Father give her wisdom in this area and show her Father what you would have her to do. Father I lift up her husband and pray that he would have a peace about the situation and that he would do what you would want him to do. Father I thank you that you protect us even in our ignorance as to what to do and that you will help us in our willingness to please you. Father I plead the blood of Jesus over their marriage and their persons and their families, properties, cars, jobs, goings and comings, in Jesus name. Father, we give you all the praise and glory! In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen your servant, Connie
  21. Praise God!!!!!! Praise God!!!! :PTL: :PTL: :PTL: Let's give the Lord a hand!!!! God is good all the time! All the time God is good! :cute: :cute: :cute: Now come the happy feet...... Love in Christ, Connie
  22. That is just totally awesome! I am so happy for you and so encouraged for myself and others! What a testimony. God Bless and thanks for sharing. Love in Christ, Connie
  23. Father, In the name of Jesus we plead the blood of Jesus over Jon's Mom right now....Father we thank you that you have paid the price and won the Victory! We are not sick because you took the curse for us....We praise you for it and claim it in effect over Jon's Mother right now. Thank you for the victory! Your servant, Connie
  24. Dreamer, We are all sinners to the Lord! Not one of us is worthy.....We all fall short....Grace is abound thank you Jesus! Sometimes He speaks the loudest in the quiet moments.....seek Him in the word and you will find Him. He will never leave you or forsake you....God bless and keep you, Connie
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