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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. christchurch city decimated by major quake jus 5km below surface, buildings demolished ,,ppl killed,, just as i drmed 5 months bak ruffly,, ,,multy level buildings now rubble,, ,,bolders the size of houses rolled in2 buildgs crushg them flat,, im kinda in shock,
  2. that takes alotta imaginein h/f,,eeeeeeeekkkkk u wanna be fred then??
  3. ,, may u be covered unda his wings,,,, D
  4. i rememba smurfs,, an smurfette,, kood be u s/i/c,,
  5. i rememba smurfs,, an smurfette,, kood be u s/i/c,,
  6. yes they take on board the same spirits i hearda story that was very chilling
  7. ,,i cant wait 4 lindyloo 2 log on,,
  8. wat else can i do?? sam looks likea kingkat,,
  9. u did well 2 swty ,,,,,,,, principle D in his office,, at his skool,,
  10. all mi drms come true D101 PRESKOOL.. ,,u kno boys the lordy ,,loves 2 talk 2 us in dreams ,,and uses piktures jus like mi little yellow frends ,,i love useing them 2 talk on the site here, love 2 tease ma sistas on the site, sumtimes they go wen i blab on ther drms, but at the end of the day we still love each otha, thats me in mi fav chair,, D,,, maybe granny linda will let u blab a message on the site
  11. orsome im happy bein fred,, ,,,WILLMA,,,wer r my pebbles,,
  12. yall gonna love this swtys,, ,,i had frd flintstone turn up in mi drm,, i asked 4 his auto graph an he gave it 2 me,, yabba dabba doooooooooooooooo,,,
  13. hmmm jus be discerning,,ther is sum musik that is pure satanik, ie rob zombie
  14. h/f i totaly undastand ur plight,, ,,ive had the same thing ,, but im lot free now than in the past,, i 2 wood get angry ova imaginary situations,, ,, i think its all about subconcious stuff bubbling 2 the surface ,, ive hada lotta resentment /anger/un4giveness/greif,,etc ,,jus needing 2 get out,, um exame ur drms ,,see wat the main content is,, r ther reoccuring themes,, ,,. Dr D,,who needs Dr phil
  15. it can be scary bein pulled over esply wher u r, ,,im glad it all werkd out swty. D
  16. i wood say both ,, like the scrip which says crucify the flesh,, u woodnt put urself ona cross literaly wood u. ,,, then thers that scrip ,,if u see ur brother in need an hav the means 2 help him ,,u woodnt give him play money as a symbol,, urd give real money, hope this helps D,, a symboll of rest
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