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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. h/ft..i need mi wallet 2 hav that goin on,, thatsa orsome story,, 4 shareing, D
  2. its ok g/gurl.. ur heart was in the rite place,, D
  3. of course ur welcome 2 put some of ur thorts here 2 ,, D
  4. ok ,,i hope they were more than i kood poke a stik at,, D
  5. yes,,,ptl,,, an ur not its 12 hours lata,, h/ft,,,
  6. ohhh look a space here 4 u h/ft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2
  7. g/gurl but i havnt hada genda change,, howeva i receive ur loveing prayers,, D
  8. ugh i feel ur pain p/d,,,i was trapped in a situation wiv an abusive person,,i neva thort id make it,, 24/7..it was horrendous,,i had no one 2 help,,ugh,,i knew eventually i had 2 leave,,god made a way 4 me,,it didnt happen ovanite,,but it did happen,, mi prayer 4 u is that u will walk thru this valley wiv jesus at ur side,, D
  9. ohhh a dove,,thats a solution,,, u funni gurl,,
  10. mmmmmmmmmmmm tasty,,i get me a tikect 4 a airyplane,,,aint got tme 4 a fast train,,,
  11. in winter seasons the lord prunes us bak ,,cutting off dead wood,,or branches that wont produce fruit,,,sometimes ther r ppl involved ,,i hadda negative frendship that wasnt helping me ,,but i koodnt break it off,,,but the lord just made a way,,i still see that person frm time 2 tme but im not dragged down like i used 2 be,, D
  12. im tryin 2 imagine it,, im glad it was yummi, D
  13. is it like mexican or mexicant,,,
  14. i havnt 4gotten,, thats a mirikle rite there,,yeah um get me jesus on the line,, hello?? hello? is that u jesus?? yep ,im calling long distance,,,,,,ohh you;ll pay the charges?? t u ,,,, ,,, cholette,,,
  15. ive always wanted 2 say it wiv flowas,,,as they say,,who eva they r ,, i love partys,, D
  16. um r u stressed jbs ??? is ur blood pressha ok?? ,,,,,, 4 u,, D
  17. ,,,hi family,,2day i got slamed wiva trukloada bills mi wrk situ hasnt wrked out how it was intended,, ,,,so im in distress,, ,,mi wrk runs out nxt wednesday, ur Dee needs u,,
  18. did u get pressies?? ,,or spoilt rotten??? i hope so,, D
  19. um ur drm u posted isa warning of this stuff ugh,, u will get thru,, D
  20. more babystuff,, im sucha baby,, help me lordy,,sure u hav mi D
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