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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. C,,,a trial at tmes, ,,but im more thana conquerer
  2. ,,,yes indeedy,,he provides 4 tha needy,,
  3. i just wanna praise the lordy,, i gotta nu job/contract,,metta nu client,,an start anutha job on munday,, an just got paid 4 last job,,all wen it seemed totaly hopeless,, D
  4. ugh,,thats courage unda fire,, i kno exactly how u feel,, mi thorts r wiv u, D
  5. t u 708,,,a merry heart does good likea medicene,,i guess that makes me DR D,, ,,um true words cholette,,
  6. wen one door closes,,anutha door opens,, D
  7. heres mi passport photo, ,,,and back up hug if u need it,, D
  8. ugh i know that situ,,,we will agree 4 u,,that u will be a conqueror and notta victim,, D
  9. some days i think i got pms 2,,, D
  10. ugh thats awful,,but we all love u,, D
  11. fear not ,,,i am wiv thee,,, t u 4 ur concern ladies,, D
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