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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. yes jmmy ur breaktru was orsome ,,did u post it sweety?? 2 conny,,i need constant remindg,,all u gurls r so strong an couragous,,i salute u,,
  2. ive got dumptruk faith,,filler up lordy,, ,,,hmm thats intarestg scrip u hav,,
  3. we r family,,all my sistas an me,, D,, wat family dont hav gripes,,
  4. wen ma loot comes in were goin 2 nu york 4 tea,, steak,, D
  5. kood be ulcers,,or 2much acid,,u sound like ur stressed that will do tha same 2 ur stomich,,
  6. lurdys frm ur frntline partna,, love ya,, D
  7. bossybabys on ma case,, ,mmmm sweetys in ma hood ,,its all good,,
  8. gotta trukloada bills 4 jesus due tmrow,,, D
  9. lord i 4 tha heavenly host around lurdy an her kids,,24/7,, on assignment,, jesus,,
  10. how do u fear mould??? um cleaning i fear,,
  11. um while ur story is scary,,it does show that ur got home safe dispite the driver,,maybe it was jesus at tha wheel,, tha chances of gettg hme stoned /drunk unscathed r limited,,if ther is any joy 2 be had i think this wood be it,, i do feel ur concern,, D
  12. u only get 2 say that once on ma show,, or ma bossy sistas will getcha,, an they r tuff babys,.,,, ,,um a offering wood be good wen ur $$$ comes in ,,let me kno ,,buddy,,,
  13. ugh sweety it maybe kinda grueling,,but its a good thang,,god in baddies out,, D.,...god is at wrk in u ,,his wondas 2 perform,, ,,tha NI"D" version,,
  14. no i dont kno her,,ok ,,lets agree,,father 2day we pray 4 e n,,that tha yoke of bondage be broken off her life,,we put tha axe 2 tha root of this curse ,,an cut it off her in the mitey name of jesus,, every demon be squashed unda our feet[luke10;19],,let this woman go,, by ur spirit,,jesus,,an move mitey on juans bank a/c,,,a supernatural supply ,,mor than he kood ask or think,, ,,,cos u got plenty jesus,,u took a little boys lunch an feed around 20.000 ppl,,,and had leftovas,, do ur thang,, D
  15. oh that otha scrip is a shadow 2,,, living unda tha shadow of his wings,, he has u covered,,
  16. this just fell inside my head,,''he that dwelleth in tha secret place of tha most ,,shall abide under tha shadow of the almitey,,'' i feel thats a now word 4 u p/d,, beleave me ,,me remebring that is a miricle indeed,, D
  17. ugh,,ur story is a heartbreakin read,,i agree wiv cholette in principle,,i howeva struggle wiv injustice,,i just wish u gods best,,thats tha safest thing i kan do wivout goin D
  18. im sure its not wise 2 post someones name on site ,, D
  19. um demons want a home,,an a oppertunity 2 do there thing,, i dont kno about coming an goin,,they usualy stay,, um the flesh and carnel nature opens doors of possability 4 entry,,if one prolongs habits,,um kids r definatrly vulnerable,,thru trauma, sex attacks, abuse,etc,,, um u kan do self deliverance,,u an tha holy spirit,,anointed musik drives demons away ,wiv repeantance,confession,,praise an worship,, an speaking tha word of god out,, jesus came 2 destroy tha works of tha enemy,, D,,,hope this helps sweety,,happy
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