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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. ugh i hava tumour growin in ma hand,,non cancer but inoperable,,i kood lose the use of my fingers,, its begining 2 hurt ,,
  2. um let peace be ur umpiere,,,um paul said 2 peter on 3 things tha gentiles shood do absatain frm meat offered 2 idols,sexual impurity,tasteing blood,,..giving isa choice,,
  3. babe u didnt send me any,, mmmm russian fudge ma favrite,,
  4. i try2 think big,,,he daily loads us wiv his benefits,,
  5. daddy bless l2wj wiv ur fayour,,open doors,,an let ther be a trukload of benefits.. ,,
  6. or chronik fatigue synd,,or glandula feva..Dr D..
  7. ok ,,it must be time 4 a offering,, sing it wiv me sweety,,i surrenda all.... D
  8. i will send ma frend 2 dance wiv u babe,, i will play 4 u tho.. ,,that was amazin,, jaby,,
  9. im a little profit,,,, D...thus saith tha lordy,,
  10. im thankful 4 my many frends i hav here on site,, that love me even wen i tread on there toes,, ,,,im soo blessed here,,an love u soooo much,, D,,,
  11. oh my,,,um flesh an blood has not revealed that 2 u but my farther in heaven,,wow,, um ive had 2 prophacys sayin that,, cant wait 4 cholette 2 see,, D
  12. um let every man give according 2 his heart,,i think it goes somethang like that,,i think if someone is demanding that u give 10% then ur in bondage,,howeva if u give freely that wood be fine,,some ppl tha lord asks them 2 give mor than 10%,,
  13. t u sweety..im glad ur encouraged..
  14. ok..im here,, ,,,,,,i didnt get much of wat u said lurdy,,but im puttg tha nu ones 2 hard labour,, t u sooooo much,,
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