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Everything posted by Virtuous

  1. Yes, that's the one. The thing about it is that this member has been on my heart since the very beginning. Seems as though I relate to the struggles, frustration and everything. Not dealing with the same issues, but the struggles and the frustrations are all the same. I mean it was like the member is me but not me...you know? Have you ever felt that way about a person? I pray for this member A LOT! And it seems that we have been able to respond to each other - as long as I felt the need to console them in a gentle and an "ooooooh, it's gone be alright, baby" and so on and so forth. But as soon as I felt the need to get a little more stern, I was told I was judging them. Which is totally not true. But NTway...just as you said, I will continue to pray and just stay away unless I know that I know that I know God is telling me to add to the thread. Then I already know I would care less "who" don't like it (pretty much like now) because I will be obeying God. Just as simple as that. __________________________________ I see where princessdelia has added a reply and I want to say something else. The word says a spiritual man judges all things to know what is right. That's why Christianity has lost its fire4 righteousness. You said a mouthful, then. That's exactly what I'm talkin about. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your input! It's all about righteousness...holiness...purity...living by faith...the holy spirit dwelling and rising up in us...Yes - thank you!
  2. I will not give the enemy the satisfaction. The only way I leave is if I'm asked to leave.
  3. This site REALLY needs prayer. From my understanding, it was BUILT on the Word of God; therefore, it should STAND on the Word of God. There shouldn’t be any compromising that. With all due respect, I have to be honest here. If this causes me to be banned from the site…so be it. This site has allowed certain people to rant and rave out of frustration, anger, bitterness, etc. These same people are allowed to release things that totally speak against/contradict the Word of God. As soon as someone tries to correct the behavior, which normally “offends” the person doing it, they are reminded to respond in “love”. To me, this is compromising the Word of God in hopes of not hurting anyone’s feelings. And, oh…please don’t get me started on the “Don’t judge me” speech. There is a difference in judging someone and correcting someone. We use those three words TOO lightly to justify not receiving correction; especially when we actually see ourselves in what is being said. THAT’S what the Word of God does for us. When we read it, we’re suppose to see ourselves…the ugly parts and all. THAT’S how we get cleaned up. THAT’S why the word should not be compromised. If we don’t STAND on the Word of God, just as it is…we are going to be held accountable for it. If it’s me, I WANT to be corrected whether it hurts my feelings or not. That’s what I call responding “in love”. And some times we have to be given “tough love”. We are too afraid of stepping on someone’s toes. When it gets too hot, they want to bail out and just because we don’t want to see anyone leave, we tell them things to tickle their ears. And for those who want to leave/have left because they feel this site is upholding those whose feet have been stepped on knowing what’s real…Can you blame them? We can’t do that. We’re either going to STAND on the Word or we’re not. And if we’re not, no one has to worry about banning me from this site because I can leave peacefully without any hard feelings towards anybody. I can say all of this because my toes have been stepped on more times than I’d like to remember. Did I like it? Of course not. Was it the right thing to do? Of course it was. Did I think that at the time? Of course not. Was I mad? You better believe it. Am I glad I was corrected? You better believe it because I could still be in darkness about a lot of things. But because somebody “loved” me enough to knock me upside the head with the truth, I can say I have come a long way. People are not going to always tell us what we want to hear, especially if they love us. They are going to tell us what we NEED to hear whether we like it or not. Even on this site; I have been told some things that I just did not want to hear. I can understand getting mad at someone for telling us what we don’t want to hear and it very well may cause us to kick, scream and buck against them AND our frustrations all the more. BUT WE CAN NOT FEEL SYMPATHY TOWARDS THAT PERSON TO THE POINT THAT WE COMPROMISE THE WORD OF GOD. Yes, we should feel sympathetic and compassionate towards people and what they deal with, but we are NO good to them if we’re compromising the Word of God. I’m not trying to offend anyone…I promise I’m not. So please don’t take this in the wrong spirit. This is a great site and I know the enemy will constantly be at work against it because of the vision God gave Mia for it.
  4. You got that right!!!! I apologize LTWJ...I was so caught up in Cholotte's first post that I didn't add my concerning this. I honestly think you should ask God to confirm what the prophet has told you. My belief on prophecy is that it's confirmation of something God has already revealed to you. It "should" agree with your spirit even if you don't like it. You'll know it's from God.
  5. This turned the light bulb on for me because I believe that I am supposed to be walking in WAY more than what I'm walking in right now, but because I take the reins over from time to time in my life, it has delayed some of the the things that my "life package" had for me in this time in my life. Cholette, Now this is getting more and more....I can't even think of a word for it. Once again, you are not going to believe this. I was fellowshipping with a Sister in Christ this weekend and we JUST talked about this. She told me this is what has happened to me. She didn't use these exact words, but my goodness...It all boils down to the same thing. As soon as I read this, I thought about the conversation we had this weekend! Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl, I wish we could just sit down and talk....this is just unbelievable. I'm at a loss for words right now.
  6. Temi, She didn't call anyone evil. She was speaking about a spirit. Please re-read the post.
  7. We all have to admit.... If dreamster didn't cut up; we'd think something was wrong with him, right?
  8. Jehova Rapha, the God that healeth thee...Saturate Mia with your healing virtue from the crown of her head to the soul of her feet....AMEN!
  9. Sorry it took so long. I've touched basis with her. We're planning a visit this weekend. She lives in another state. So I'll tell her about you. I'll let you know something.
  10. Great imagery, Cholette. I liked that!
  11. No, that's not all. It doesn't mean just confessing them. To "cast" means to "give" your cares to Him and leave them. It's like throwing them to Him (at His feet) for Him to take care of so you don't have to. What I'm about to say is very important... When you cast your cares upon Him - DO NOT GO BACK AND GET THEM! LEAVE THEM THERE NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!
  12. Congratulations, Jimmy for your bundle of joy! hillobeans made a perfectly good point!!!!!!!!!
  13. He'll do anything to break that up so every few months, we'll have a little ruckus, some drama/conflict, misunderstandings on the site that are all designed to cause division in our website community. God allows this to happen to wean out those who are "true" and those who aren't. The refiner's fire is the hottest fire there is and it will either cause you to be completed with a purified shine like gold or you will remove yourself from the fire. If the enemy wasn't attacking this site the way it does, I would think there was a problem because why would he mess with what's already his? - Regarding communication - when leaving an interpretation, please preview it before posting to make sure it might not be misread or misinterpreted, especially when you're going to leave something that is sensitive and might be an exhortation, tough love, rebuke, etc. The reality is that email is a poor form of communication (though we usually use it well here ) and the spirit of what you meant to say may get lost in cyberspace and be received in a way you didn't intend with negative results. I learned in a business etiquette communication class that email correspondence is better understood and not taken out of context or in the wrong spirit if the corresponding punctuation is added to the text. The enemy almost brought division with me and one of my sister's in Christ were communicating through email. What she wrote was plain and simple but her adding an explanation point caused me to think it was more of a negative statement. It wasn't so much as what she was saying....it was the punctuation that made all the difference in the world. That's why I love the smiley face symbols.
  14. I know someone who is looking for artist that I may be able to put you in contact with. She is working on another album, she writes her own songs, she has her own musicians (as well as being a pianist herself), she has her own studio AND she has her own record label. She produces her own stuff. She's only had one album that was out in 2002 and traveled all over on tour. God placed her in the thick of her ministry so quickly, and because of her faithfullness and obedience to Him, he gave her a resting season to give her her promise child that she thought she'd never have. Now, she feels Him tugging on her again to get back in her song ministry. Although, He has blessed her with another child, that she's carrying now, she has started on another album and she's praying and believing God for artist who will sign with her. I am praying and believing God to bless her projects and her artist. I pray right now that God reveals His hands in this for you. I pray that God will honor your request and place an open door before you that no one can shut.
  15. I have to agree with Cholette about NOT taking your husband the keys alone. I don't think you should involve your parents either. I think you should have a police escort with you. Again, I have to agree with Cholette. Do NOT discuss your business with these so-called friends of his. You owe them NO EXPLANATION. Well, I was notified as I submitted this response that HisLightbeam's response had been added. I say..."Di-Do"
  16. Welcome back and praise God that you were not injured. Just as Cholette said, those rear end accidents ARE painful. I was injured in one in 1997.
  17. I DECLARE on THIS DAY AND FOREVER that JESUS CHRIST is "MY SURE FOUNDATION" and I WILL NOT be moved!!!!!! :thankyou: Jesus!!!!!!! I DECLARE on THIS DAY AND FOREVER that I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Hey, Hey...Hallelujah! I will say of the Lord, He "IS" my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss!!!!! :thankyou: Jesus! When I tell you Psalms 91 got it goin on...Who?! What?! Devil, I'm serving notice on you...Play wit it nah! That's what you do...PLAY WIT IT NAH!
  18. Hallelujah, Jesus! This is truly a blessing. Christa, I am so happy for you. Through your obedience, God moved on your behalf. God called you to sow out of your need. You said you had $1200 of immediate bills and only had about $400. You didn't have enough to cover your bills. I've always been told that nine times out of ten we never have what we need and sowing a seed out of our need is what causes God to move. It shows Him that we are trusting in Him to supply ALL of our needs. This blessed me to read this. Our guest speaker last week was speaking about the "Double-Portion blessings of God" and he said we are living in those days to receive them. One of the "double-portion blessings" he spoke about that I jumped up and immediately received is the one you just got....FAVOR WITH GOD AND FAVOR WITH MAN!!!!!! :yes:
  19. I believe the same thing. We all are encouraging holding each other up about the SAME THING!!!!! We are helping each other to prepare for what is to come in our lives concerning our mates. Yep...Get ready, get ready, get ready.............. :thankyou: Jesus!!!!!!!
  20. WOW, HisLightbeam! I think I'm going to have to read this again...
  21. I think times and numbers have meaning. Why would measurements (numbers) and times be mentioned in the bible? God is a God of specifics and in certain things (i.e. the ark), He gave specific instructions on the measurements; (i.e. sixth and ninth hours mentioned in Matthew and Acts), there were specific times given...God's time is not like our time. By the way Cholette...I love the avatar!!!!!!!
  22. I realized I did NOT have the relationship that I thought I did with him so I began to develop it. This is where I am now but I would have to say that I realize I do NOT have the relationship that I am required to have with Him. I've always known that I've never known what it is to know WHO GOD IS for myself through it being revealed to me. Meaning...knowing WHO HE IS other than what has been taught to me by man (human efforts). It really hit home for me last night during our Church Anniversary service. The guest speaker came from Matthew 16:13-19 where it talks about Jesus asking who did men say that He was. They gave all these possibilities of who man said he was. He asked them, "Who do YOU say I am?" Peter told Him He was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Jesus told him that flesh and blood (human efforts) didn't reveal that information to him. He had to receive that revelation from God himself and for that reason He built His church on "that" rock. "That rock" was/is the foundation of the revelation of WHO GOD IS. Not what He has done. Not what He will do. Not what He can do. Not what He has promised to be and do. But WHO HE IS. I have yet to experience that and now that I know there is more to "knowing" who God is and who He is to me...I'm going to chase after the revelation until it begins to chase and over take me. I will not be left out of the loop on this! Cholette, you are right. What you said is very important about our relationship with God and I am starting to prepare myself to develop it. I want it....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Yep...she's the baddest woman to ever walk the face to this earth and I want to be just like her when I grow up :yes: ! Well, I don't thank God for my husband "every time" I pray; however, I do pray for him a lot. Sometimes more in debt than other times depending on what I'm feeling in my spirit. There was a season that I would always pray for God to encourage his heart. Being delivered from fear and doubt is very possible. I'm believing (even if the enemy tries to make me think I'm not) that God has delivered me from fear as well. He said in His word that He has not given us the spirit of fear but of peace, love and a sound mind. If His word says that, and if we have fear in us then we know it is not of God and He WILL deliver us from it! I think God is preparing us for way more than we think. I think all of this is in line with the plans of what He has purposed for our lives. I am so excited about what God is doing in the lives of His people and I will be the first to give Him thanks right now before it even happens... :thankyou: , Jesus!!!!!!!
  24. For many years it has taken me to get to the points that you all have discussed. I'm just now getting these points myself. For MANY years my idea of marriage was way off!!! I wanted to be married for all of the wrong reasons. I thought a husband would make me happy, release some of my financial stress, and complete me. Everything was based on feelings too (feelings can be so dangerous if we are driven by them). Before, every time I had a problem, I'd run to everyone else but God. I put more faith in people than I did God. I actually put people on pedestals. And when I look back, I put them in the place of God. I've lost many so called friends too. And when people have failed me and it seemed like the whole world was against me, I cried out to God. Most importantly-- when I finally realized that it was not about me, but serving God and serving in His Kingdom, that's when the lightbulb lit up. Cholette and I just spoke about going through this ourselves in another post so I understand you completely. What do you mean by "our hearts should be hidden in God"? I'm not getting it exactly. Christ-centered...Christ-focused. We should have a "pure" eye which is focused only on God. Just as the scripture says, "Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you", I believe as the word is hidden in our heart, our heart will be so hidden in God that we will trust and believe Him for who He is. We will get a revelation of How BIG He is...
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