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Everything posted by Virtuous

  1. I apologize if my first post confused anybody. RnestseekR, I feel where you was coming from about the mentor and I understand completely about having a mentor. However, I still believe in what I said about the Holy Spirit and the gift of prophecy. It's a HUGE responsibility. I have the gift of prophecy and I have a constant fear of speaking into someone's life without being confident that it's from God. I have to know, that I know, that I know, I know it is God and not me which is one of the reasons for my earlier post. All I'm saying is God has given each of us gifts to make up the body of Christ. If everyone tries to operate in a gift that they are not graced, anointed for, or called in; we're going to make a big mess. That's out of order.
  2. I want to share something with you…help me Jesus – Something similar to this happened to me in 2005. I want to be honest with you concerning this manner because I can tell this is causing pain in your life. I was going to post something about myself in this same situation. If you would like for me to share it, I will but right now I just want to tell you what I had to do to find peace. God didn’t allow me to continue down the path you’re on, and He’s not going to allow you to continue on it either. I want you to get alone with God. Turn off all the lights…turn off the T.V…turn the radio off and unplug all phones (including cell phones). I learned through this situation that you’re in that GOD CARES ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS. Even if they seem small to others; they ARE REAL to you. Start talking to God about this man (say his name). Tell him how you feel about him and what you think of the relationship. Tell him every detail (I don’t care how embarrassing/explicit it may be to talk about to God) about you and this man and your feelings toward him. Tell God what you expect from this man and what you’re getting. When I say tell God everything about you and this man…I mean EVERYTHING even if you think it won’t make a difference. I’m serious now. Tell Him what you want. I can’t express how important it is to tell Him EVERYTHING. Please don’t leave anything out about how you feel. Once you’ve done that, ask God to confirm to you if this is the man HE has for you. Don’t get up immediately, sit quietly and wait for Him to answer. He’ll do it. He did it for me. The only difference is I was serving plates at my church’s Sweet Heart Banquet and the speaker did an altar call. As I was waiting for him to get to me, that was my prayer to God. I needed to know if this man was really for me because I thought in my heart of hearts that he was and I was holding on to that. When the speaker got to me he began to speak in my life about other things. He began to walk away and then he immediately turned back to me and whispered in my ear, “No, he has not come yet”. God gave me confirmation within a matter of minutes. Was I heart-broken? Of course I was. But I was at peace. I could let go. His treatment towards me was no longer an issue. My hope was no longer in a relationship with someone who God didn’t hand pick for me. I no longer chased after a dream/promise that God had given me with the wrong person. Sweetie, I encourage you to seek confirmation from God. I will be praying with you.
  3. All I am saying is that please don't be too quick to label anyone a "false prophet". I didn't label her as a false prophet. I said if you speak something to someone claiming it to be from God; then you are a false prophet. I know no one is perfect and sometimes we ARE going to miss it. After re-reading her post, I think I may have gotten a little carried away. I am very sensitive when it come to the Holy Spirit and prophecies. I don't take them lightly.
  4. This first part is the reason why I say it’s a must that women know who we are and the purpose of our existence. In Genesis 3:15, God tells satan that He will put enmity between him, the woman and her seed. She will crush his head and he will only be able to bruise her feet. That is the last battle…when satan’s head is crushed by WOMEN! An Army of Women Women need to discover this truth. The devil knows that God does not lie-what God promises always comes to pass. This is why Satan has spent centuries belittling women and weaving a web of lies into a formidable worldwide network of oppression to hold them down. He knows that when women find out who they really are, his evil kingdom will come to an abrupt end. He cannot afford to have women walking upright. He desperately needs to keep them down. This is the part that lines up with what Cholette said.[/size] A Helpmate for Adam The account in Genesis tells it best: God…took one of [Adam’s] ribs and…the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to [Adam] (Gen. 2:21,22) Obviously Adam did not witness the creation of Eve; he was snoozing at the time. After God removed the rib, He apparently set up His workbench someplace else as implied by the statement that God brought her to him. Consequently, Adam had no idea what was coming his way. This is parts of the book I just wanted to reveal to women who we are and what our purpose REALLY is.[/size] Twice Refined There was every reason for Adam to be astonished, shocked and overwhelmed, since the level of creativity God employed to make Eve had not been used before. God created Adam by shaping or forming him out of dust (see Gen. 2:7). This is also true of the beasts: “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky” (Gen. 2:19, emphasis mine). However, in Eve’s case God employed a different technique and used more sophisticated raw material. Rather than shaping her out of dust, the Lord, “fashioned” (Gen. 2:22) her out of flesh and bone taken from Adam. This made Eve twice refined, first by the more refined raw material used, human flesh and bone, as opposed to dust, and then by the fact that rather than shaping her, as in the case of Adam and the animals, God fashioned her. The difference between fashioning and shaping is as huge as the contrast between a house built by an apprentice carpenter and one built by the best architect. Fashioning reflects a greater level of creativity and a more refined technique. We can confidently say that women are twice refined! Perceiving Spiritual Things Women have an extraordinary sensitivity to spiritual things. This is why Jesus was able to reveal two of the most powerful truths in the gospels to women. He told Martha that He is the resurrection and the life (see John 11:25-27), and He told the Samaritan woman that He is the living water (see John 4). These women were in a state of confusion when Jesus found them, but both were able to hear, understand and believe profound truths Back in the Garden Let us revisit the moment after the Fall when Eve stood next to Adam and faced God’s inquiry. The devil would like women to remember that picture in the most negative light. He wants Eve to be seen as the weak link, the one who brought so much misery to the human race. Even though she was deceived and fell into transgression, let us not miss an important point: Eve was the one who identified the enemy! In spite of the shame she felt, Eve understood and described accurately what had happened and who the instigator was, setting the stage for God to announce the rematch. Hers are the only coherent human words spoken. Let us be strengthened by seeing this passage in Genesis 3 without the distorting lens the enemy has used for so long. Like Eve, women know who the enemy is. Furthermore, Satan knows that her seed will eventually destroy him. It is time for a change. It is time for women not to pay attention to Satan’s demeaning remarks, so often channeled through those who look at the exterior and miss the wealth stored inside of them. Women do not need a human platform to be heard because God has given them considerable spiritual height from which to speak. They are designed to be influencers and shapers… Ministering to Jesus’ Heart The men watching Mary Magdalene’s sublime act of worship accused her of wasting a very valuable flask of perfume. They totally misread her actions when they looked at and judged them through a purely financial, cost effective grid. Jesus rebuked these men and declared that Mary Magdalene had exhibited great spiritual foresight because she prepared His body for the sepulcher. As He anticipated His imminent betrayal and rejection, Jesus was over whelmed by sorrow. His heart was taxed with pain; He needed someone to minister to Him. It was a woman who saw the urgency and spent everything of value she had to comfort Him. Brokenness Eli accused Hannah of being drunk when, in fact, she was genuinely broken before the Lord. Many times female acts of worship are dismissed as emotional and disruptive. Women are often accused of being too excitable, but this is not necessarily true. Intrinsically women are not more godly than men are, but they are definitely more spiritual. By this I mean that they have the ability to express a greater range of emotions that enables them to experience worship in a more intense way. If I could insert the entire book; I would because there is soooo much information in it that women need to know about themselves. I also am in agreement with Cholette's last post. I would like to add another note...I know my husband and I are to be in ministry together. That is one of the reasons God said man should not be alone (also spoke about in the book) because he needed Eve to go to war with him against the enemy in ministry. Actually, that's why all marriages should take place because that's how God ordained it. I am still waiting for my husband and I know that he is somewhere in my ministry as it grows that we may minister together.
  5. I am so agreeing with Cholette right now. I, too, am a single woman who is believing God for my husband. clairephillipia, I feel exactly where you are coming from when you speak about this man. God has just healed me from a relationship dealing with this same situation you are in now. Trust me, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I remind myself of these words all the time and I pray they minister to your spirit as well..."A woman's heart should be hidden in God's heart that a man will have to seek Him to find her." We, as women of God, should know exactly who we are in Christ and how much He loves us. I just read a book - Women: God's Secret Weapon by Ed Silvoso. When I tell you this book shed's light on the purpose God has placed on women it will blow your mind. I would suggest every woman read this book. It is sooooo powerful. I'm about to type an exerpt from the book that lines up with what Cholette wrote and post it. I'll be back in a minute.
  6. It's peace within...the stuggle is over...it's settled...
  7. Mia, I want to apologize to you if this is too long but I have got to voice my beliefs concerning this article. I hope it doesn’t cause me any disciplinary actions but I must say this: All scripture references are from NLT: What is interpretation of tongues? It is the companion manifestation to speaking in tongues, designed to be utilized in a body of believers, such that one proclaims in the language of those believers the meaning of what he has just spoken in tongues. Used together in a corporate setting, these two manifestations “edify the church” (1 Cor. 14:5). I Corinthians 14:13-14– So anyone who has the gift of speaking in tongues should pray also for the gift of interpretation in order to tell people plainly what has been said. 14) For if I pray in tongues, MY SPIRIT IS PRAYING, but I don’t understand what I am saying. No one, not even the devil himself, understands speaking in tongues. When we don’t know what to pray for, God makes intercession, through the Holy Spirit, for us and through us by speaking in tongues that our prayers line up with His Will. [quote]Properly translated, 1 Corinthians 14:13 says that anyone who speaks in tongues amidst a group of Christians should do so “in order that he may interpret.” The point of speaking in tongues in a body of believers is to follow it with the interpretation so that they are edified. [/quote] Properly translated, huh? This is not properly translated because it doesn’t say that. It says that anyone who has the gift of speaking in tongues should also pray for the gift of interpretations in order to tell people plainly what has been said Interpretation of tongues is not something that someone other than the one who speaks in tongues can do. 1 Corinthians 14:5 (“unless he interprets”), 13 (“that he may interpret”), and 15 (“I will pray with my spirit [speaking in tongues] and I will also pray with my mind [interpretation of tongues]”) make it clear that the one who speaks in tongues is the only one who can bring forth the manifestation of interpretation of tongues. Interpretation of tongues is to believers FROM God. Speaking in tongues is the evidence as God gives the utterance for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is for the benefit of believers, not unbelievers. (I Corinthians 14:22). So, is he saying that public tongue interpretation only for the speaker? If so, why would everyone need to know what God is saying to an individual? If that is the case, what should be done when God wants to edify the entire body of Christ? Should everyone speak in tongues and then one of them interprets? If God gives the utterance to the believer, who doesn’t understand what is being spoken, why would you think the believer would be able to give the interpretation (of himself) to God who is the only one understanding because He gave the utterance? Does that make any sense? [quote]Interpretation of tongues is not something that someone other than the one who speaks in tongues can do. 1 Corinthians 14:5 (“unless he interprets”), 13 (“that he may interpret”), and 15 (“I will pray with my spirit [speaking in tongues] and I will also pray with my mind [interpretation of tongues]”) make it clear that the one who speaks in tongues is the only one who can bring forth the manifestation of interpretation of tongues. [/quote] What?!...come on now. God is not a wasteful God. There is no way He would have a word (to personally or corporately edify) brought through speaking in tongues whether the one speaking has the interpretation or not. The one who is speaking in tongues may not have the gift of interpretation; but at the moment is so sensitive to the spirit of God that God used him/her. God uses whomever He wants to bring forth whatever He wants. We can’t limit God and say He can only pour out His spirit to edify the church through brother/sister so-n-so because of this or that. Nope, I don’t think so. What does I Corinthians 14:26 say? It says when you meet, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will speak in an unknown language, while another will interpret what is said. [quote]At first glance, 1 Corinthians 14:27 might seem to contradict that, but a close look at the verse shows that it says the same thing as the above verses. The NIV misses the point with its translation of “…someone must interpret.” The KJV reads: “…and let one interpret,” which isn’t much better. When we dig a bit deeper, we see that the Greek word for “one” is heis, which can mean “the same one,” and, according to the context, is how it should have been translated so that it agrees with verses 5, 13, and 15. [/quote] Is he serious?! Let him tell it, the bible should be rewritten by him. How in the world is he going to make the scripture fit his beliefs? The bible clearly states that nothing is to be added or taken away from God’s word. I mean really now…He said, “How it should have been translated.” Yeah, right. That’s not what verse 27 is talking about anyway. Verse 27 – No more than two or three should speak in an unknown language. They must speak one at time, and someone must be ready to interpret what they are saying. It is important to note that we can seldom go farther than we are taught. That’s not what I was taught. That’s not even what I’ve witnessed in all cases. I’ve witness the person speaking in tongues give the interpretation and I’ve witnessed one speaking in tongues and one interpret. This is unreal! Interpreting tongues is openly revealing what God is saying to His people…Sometimes IT IS A PROPHETIC WORD (most of the time? – all of the time?) When you speak in tongues, the words God gives you are in a language of men or of angels. When you interpret, the words will be in English or whatever is the prevailing language of that particular body of believers. So, you open your mouth and speak in tongues for however long you choose, maybe 20, 30, or 60 seconds, as you are inspired—and when you stop speaking in tongues, you immediately speak the first English (or whatever) words that are “on the tip of your tongue,” and they will be there, because God is never late. Then just keep speaking the words that come to you. And you know that the words will be in the category of praise and thanksgiving to God. The words are in a language that only God understands which is why only He can bring the interpretation through whomever He chooses. Not just the one speaking in tongues. While you are speaking in tongues before you interpret, your mind is not involved in that, so tell yourself as often as you need to, “Do not begin the interpretation with ‘My children.’ Start with ‘My Father’ or something else addressed to God.” Then your first words will be “not to men but to God,” and you will find that the rest of what you say will be in that same vein. Amen. Doing this will take you out of the Spirit. You will be in your flesh and speaking what you want to speak. Yeah, it will be in that same vein, alright. It will be in “vain”. How are you going to feel in your spirit, “My children”, but say “My Father”? That’s out of order. God is telling you to say one thing and you’re going to take it upon yourself to say what YOU want to say?! Does that go together to you?! Praise vocabulary?! Yes, the book of Psalms is filled with praises of those touched by God. We each praise God in our own way. I will not allow anyone to tell me that I should pattern MY PRAISE off of someone else’s. That is ridiculous. I praise God for me and it’s not for show. It’s because He is worthy of it. You all…please, please do as Mia suggested…eat the meat and spit out the bones. I advise everyone to study the scriptures referenced in this article against the way they are actually written in God’s word.
  8. You are more than welcome. That's what testimonies are for...to be shared. It wasn't my testimony but I know my Sister in Christ won't mind me sharing it to encourage someone else.
  9. You do what you know you're suppose to do and let God handle the rest. Remain calm and exhibit Christ-like characteristics. A member of my church gave a testimony about her boss. Her boss has been riding her from day one. She's been on her job a little over a year now and have been dealing with a very mean boss. Her boss has 13 years of service for this particular agency. Well, my Sister in Christ, kept her mouth closed, did her job and stayed in God's face concerning her boss. A few weeks ago, her boss gave her a bad/false review. She prayed and told God about it and asked for a meeting to confront the allegations and her boss had no proof to support her accusations. Needless to say, this woman with all these years under her belt was FIRED! You can't continue to attack God's people and get away with it. God says enough is enough. Come to find out, this lady had been doing this for many years but everyone was intimidated by her authority so she used it to mistreat her employees. But Glory be to God, He is not intimidated by noone and whoever decides to go up against Him...WILL NOT WIN - That goes for His people as well. Stay strong, sweetie and allow God to fight this battle for you. If this director of yours don't watch his/herself, God will move him/her on out of the way and YOU will be the Director.! He/She don't know who their messing with. I'm telling you...God don't play about His children and soon this entire world is going to know AND believe it...watch what I tell you!
  10. I pray your strength in the Lord. It's because you have committed to a spirit-filled church. The enemy is mad as all get out. THAT is what he doesn't want. One of my co-workers was asking me about the church I attend (spirit-filled) because they had been visiting one and was on the verge of joining. It wasn't a week after she and her husband joined...all hell broke loose. Her husband lost his job, she was set back another year in school (she was suppose to have graduated the following month), she had the only income... it was a test. She and her husband remained faithful and committed to their decision. Before long, her husband got a new job (paying much more than what he had before) and she's doing very well in school. They trusted God. You're where you need to be...Just like my Pastor says...if the devil "ain't" messing with you, then you may need to ask yourself why. It could be that he already has you on his side.
  11. You are indeed a false prophet if you speak into someone's life, claiming it to be what thus saith the Lord, and God has not given it to you. Everybody is not anointed/graced to prophecy and I don't believe a person can "train" you in doing so. What you speak about is not a myth..Seek the Giver, not the Gifts. It is the word..."SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD (the Giver) and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added unto you (the Gifts)."
  12. I think God is moving STRONGLY in the ministry of praise and worship. For the past couple of months, God has been speaking directly to our praise and worship team...elevating us to new levels. We all have been praying that we dwell in unity...that we all will be on one accord and God is doing MIGHTY things with us.
  13. Father God, I pray that you will strengthen Lovetoworship to do what you have purposed in her/his heart. Continue to give her/him the desire to walk in the gifts, talent and ministry you have so graciously given her/him. I pray that you will give her favor with God and man that he/she will grow in you. Give her/him a new song that will minister to your people to cause yokes to be broken, salvation and deliverance, Godly repentance, and set the captives free from bondage. I pray that you will provide her/him with every thing needed in all areas of life that will enable her/him to worship and praise you the way you ordained it before the foundation of this world. Bring Godly people in her/his life that will promote and encourage her/his walk with you. We come against any plot, plan or scheme the enemy has thrown to abort or prolong her/his ministry. Order her/his footsteps for you said in your word that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in his ways. I pray that Lovetoworship will delight herself/himself in you because you also said in your word that if we delight ourselves in you, you will give us the desires of our hearts. Stir up the gifts and talents RIGHT NOW, God! I call her/his ministry forth and come to full fruitness! We plead the blood of Jesus over all distractions. Direct her/his thoughts, oh God. We thank you God for being an on time God and we ask these things in your son Jesus' name...AMEN! Halleluiah!!!!!!!
  14. Now that's what I'm talkin' bout!!!!!!!!
  15. There is no mentioning of the geneology of Elijah. Nothing is mentioned about his parents, siblings...nothing. It's almost as if he just appeared on the scene. God said He was going to send a prophet and his name is Elijah...he would cause the hearts of the children back to their father and the hearts of the father back to their children (Malachi). Elijah was a powerful prophet. What ever came out of his mouth...happened just the way he spoke it. He said (paraprasing), "It's not gonna rain until I say it's going to rain". And it didn't. While he was on the mountain he told the armies of men that the was sent to bring him to the king (to be killed) what would happen to them if they even tried. Needless to say they tried; he spoke a word and they all died. Every last one of them. He didn't move from that mountain until God released him too. Then he allowed them to take him to the king. He told the king that he would die in the bed he lay in and the king died. Elijah was very bold. He meant what he said because he trusted in God. God took care of him at all times even when he was in fear of Jezebel. God reminded him of all He had spoken to him. Wait...I have to step away for about an hour but I will finish this up. There is so much about Elijah and the mantle that it will blow your mind!
  16. I am in agreement with you that God's Will be done.
  17. Let's not forget about Elijah. He prayed that it wouldn't rain...It didn't rain for years. He prayed for rain...and guess what...it rained.
  18. I know exactly what you mean Cholette. I'm with you...I love my music as well. I'm sort of a "romantic", so I'm more of an R & B person. The Isley Brothers, Barry White, Al Green...you know...
  19. Lana Turner, Dorothy Dandridge, Elizabeth Taylor, the list goes on...they were just so elegant! You could be my mommy's best friend!
  20. butterfly, Do you know what it is like to lose your home As a matter of fact I do. I was believing God for a home in 2004. I fasted and prayed (absolue fast - nothing to eat or drink for 3 days)for this home and everything fell in place. In January 2005, I moved into a 4 bedroom, two bath, dining room, living room, den, covered parking drive, and a work shop building sitting on 2 acres of land. In January 2006, I lost my home and I moved back into the projects. Was I depressed? Was I upset? Was I praying and seeking God for direction? Yes to all. It was aweful. I was wondering where God was and how He could allow me and my children to go through all of that. I thought I was going to lose my mind! Right when I thought I could roll over and die I had a dream I was reading the book of John. I couldn't remember the chapter so I decided to start from the very beginning and I told God to reveal to me what He was trying to tell me. I stopped at John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." I received God's peace and although I didn't have my home, I was at peace knowing God was doing what was best for me even if I felt lost. But had I stayed in my house, I never would've moved from the first project I was in and I wouldn't have never met a dear close friend of mine who died last year. After I moved from my home, God told me that there was someone there that He needed me to reach. It was my friend. Her watching me and my sharing with her what I knew about the Lord and what He says, touched her. She got saved a year before she died. I didn't realize it at first and God reminded me what He had told me. I miss my friend dearly, but I thank God that I will see her again in heaven. you hardly have any money, Yes, I do. I filed for bankruptcy the same year. I couldn't see my way out and I felt like I couldn't take care of my children. I felt like I let them down. I was so heartbroken, I was warn out,embarrassed, weighed down and going out of my mind. But glory be to God, He gave me a word... Psalms 55.22 "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved". Through all of this, I learned I can't go from day to day trusting in my job or any other source of income to take care of me because it's not promised to me. But I am an heir, the daughter of the King of all Kings who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, the richest King there is and He has promised to supply all of my needs. And I believe Him. I could go on and on about things I've gone through but the end result is still the same. I had to take God at His word. I didn't have anything or anybody else. Family and friends did the best they could for me, but nothing made a difference until I had FAITH in what God says in His word. I'm not saying I don't understand or I don't feel sadness for people going through a trial and feeling depressed. I completely understand because I've gone through the fires of hell and the only thing that brought me out was God. I didn't mean for it to sound like I was calling people foolish for being depressed. That's not what I wanted to imply. I just want people to know that God is alive and in full effect. All we have to do is believe and have faith in Him.
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