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Everything posted by nubava

  1. YEAH, I totally love it - So let the fight begin Thanks for reminding about guarding our hearts and loving people the way they are
  2. Thanks for your prayers and I understand what you mean about interceding You know I am in such a season that this dream can fit both physical and spiritual aspect. So I don't know what's better , will be praying. In the dream you had to "die." Maybe in real life you're going to have to "die" to some things. It was those guys who wanted me to die, I mean they wouldn't go off me if I hadn't pretended that I died and they believed Another thing that I loved about the dream is that there was no pain when I was shot or dreading fear, just wanted to get rid of them
  3. I do not know for sure what this dream mean or what connection could it have with the jab sharp pain in your abdomen but I had it today. I was followed by unknown guys all other the place and they didn't want to let me go off. Eventually I escaped, I was running and they were chasing, all of them had silenced guns. So one of them SHOOT ME IN MY STOMACH. And I thought wow I was shot. But I didn't feel pain whatsoever, just noticed the dot from the shot between stomach and chest. Then those guys wouldn't calm down they wanted to find somebody else. So I thought that they wouldn't go away until they kill me. So I fell on the ground on my face and pretended to be dead and was trying to breath very carefully. They looked at me and went away.
  4. WOW, Deborah, seriously? Thank you for sharing and for reminding me again, definitely doubts and fears are not from God. I also know and believe when you are very close to the breakthrough and the victory, the pressure and resistance becomes even more as if you are moving against the wind or storm but who can be against me if God is for me, ha, I know I am not alone, I am soaring with Him!!! LisaWilliams, AMEN! Blessings
  5. Thank you all for you prayers, I literally felt them and am very thankful for lifting me up in your prayer. When I posted the prayer request I didn't even realize the importance of it. I will have to ask for more prayers this week and the next week also, thank you so much
  6. This is SO wonderful, I rejoice with you and praise God, He is wonderful, merciful and faithful
  7. You know the following scripture brings comfort to me every time I encounter with similar situations. Ephesians 6:12 (Amplified Bible) " 12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere." I believe when we start seeing things through such eyes everything turns around and it is easier to forgive and to love. I heard this phrase which I LOVED - "Love like you have never been hurt!" Pray this helps
  8. That's why I said we'd better get ready
  9. Oh thanks Mia, this is a wonderful explanation, I just thought I have read somewhere that they were the same but now I see that they are not.
  10. I have a question here - are familiar spirits the same as seducing spirits?
  12. Christina, this is so timely, I will surely be meditating on these scriptures Bless you
  13. Connie, I never knew about this, I mean about "armor bearer", wow, thanks for explaining and what a blessing, Mia
  14. Hi my friends, I really want to ask you for your prayers. I am in a season of transition now and I feel so much pressure and attack both spiritually and physically. It's just the more I press on, hold on and keep on the more resistance and pressure I feel from all sides. This tells me that I am in the right path and very close to getting the prize and testimony. You know what I mean here, right? I do my best to pray in Spirit, to be in the Word, to listen to the teachings, etc, put the whole armor of God. I also believe that agreement of other believers in prayer is powerful, especially when it is written in the Word pray for each other so that we may be healed, the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. So I need some warriors on my side! I also must make VERY important decisions and face some tough conversations, especially with my parents, I want to do it in peace of God and in His understanding and wisdom, not mine, not with emotions This is my favorite worship song for now: ''When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm, He is the King over the storm, I will be till know You are God!'' I also dreamt the other day, that I was declaring out loud that Greater is He that lives in me than he that is in the world! So I declare and declare and declare!!!! Thanks for your prayers, Nubava
  15. I totally LOVE this as I have been thinking myself what my goals are long and short term ones and asking God in my heart. As I read this I realize that I need to act not just think in my heart, JBK , thanks for encouragement
  16. Amen, Connie, every time I touch my computer I smile SO big cause only God could and can do so many wonderful things in just one day. Couple of my relatives are still stunned at how quickly my comp was repaired and that I got that free top case, praise God
  17. Well, couple of days ago the hard drive of my computer died and as it happened I was very calm and smiling. People around me were asking me how I was and trying to encourage me but interestingly I reacted very calmly and with positive attitude. I said to myself that such things happen and it's not the first or the last time, etc. So I started finding ways who could help me to change the hard drive. As I was on the phone with one computer programmer who turned out couldn't help me, I thought that I need to call the company/the shop I bought the computer although the guarantee has already expired. In any case I had to pay for the hard drive to be replace. So I made the appointment, I went there, I was smiling and waiting for my turn. The technician was a very nice guy, he confirmed that it was the hard drive, he told me how much it was going to be, etc. And I showed him the keyboard button which was popping out every time I was typing, he examined and told me that they could change the whole top case of my computer and for free, the company was going to cover it for me I was shocked and very happy. Can you imagine this? Basically my computer turned out to be whole new, I paid for the hard drive, the company changed the top case for FREE. And more other they told me that the computer would be ready in 1-3 days. I came home and couple of hours later I received a phone call that I could come and take the computer back, it was READY TO PICK UP IN JUST COUPLE OF HOURS I was and am SO UP AND SO THANKFUL TO GOD. It's not just the material and financial part of the matter, I realized one more time how He loves us and takes care of us!!! He is faithful!!! And it was so important for me to have kept the right attitude Blessings, Nubava
  18. Mia, Happy Birthday!!! I pray that you are in divine and perfect God's will always!!! And I thank God for you and for this website!!! And birfday gift from God is amazing
  19. And in some fun ways :clap2:
  20. I believe it is just post-surgery reaction of his body, it's been such a stress for him, wow 10 hours, he is indeed a Mighty Warrior. I pray he will quickly and smoothly recover and get better and better every day!!!
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