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Everything posted by demonicle-hwcmalaysia

  1. hey guys. i think TS meant REAL CARS. not hot wheels
  2. lets do something different this time. lets have a movie outing!
  3. MAHCIDI MAHCIDI MAHCIDI! nex monday, another forumer gonna be MACHIDI freak too
  4. omg.. so long since i last used that avatar
  5. 'bang, saya mau bili mahcidi. boleh? E class. berapa ribu?' 'setengah juta' 'wah manyak mahal looooooo. tak ada diskaun kah?' 'ADA!!! lu ambik ini nombor, kasi call sama ini olang. dia boleh kasi lu diskaun' toot toot. 'hello' 'halo! ini lesmon kah? lu boleh dapat machidi diskaun kasi saya kah?' 'boleh! lu mau apa model?' 'E-class' 'satu ratus ribu loh' 'WAAAA.. apa macam lu boleh kasi ini murah punya harga?' 'lu mau diskaun saya tolong u la. pintu semua saya kasi tukar plastik. cermin semua pakai itu balut buku punya plastik. itu enjin saya kasi masuk kanciu punya enjin. itu logo machidi saya kasi buang. itu dalam punya dasbod sumua kasi buang. Seat tak ada lether. kasi lu pastic punya kerusi bili dekat giant. warranty kasi potong dari 2 tahun. kasi lu 2 minit saja. satu ratus ribu loh!' 'ei ini macam pun boleh kah! itu hot wheels punya CLK 6 ringgit saja leh. dia punya pintu semua besi leh. dasbod semua masih ada leh.' 'wah!! taiko! lu pun bili hot wheels kah?! saya mau cari itu hijau la.' 'saya ada manyak hijau leh. lu cari apa model?' 'saya cari itu lone shaker ah... sama itu makan api... err apa panggil ah.. fire eat ah? lagi mau satu lagi.. itu mustang.' 'boleh lah! lu kasi lagi diskaun saya munya machidi, saya kasi lu sumua free!' sorry guys.. i syiok sendiri. no harm intended
  6. its like going to a chicken rice shop n saying 'boss, nasi ayam satu(hotwheels). kurang nasi(plastic). ayam kasi lebih(metal). pinggan tak payah mahal mahal, polystyrene cukup(card). garpu & sudu tak payah(card). saya pakai tangan. harga boleh kurang tak?' 'tak boleh!' 'boss, itu piggan saya kasi cuci kasi lu balik. harga boleh turun tak?'
  7. When you walk through a storm hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone, You'll never, ever walk alone. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone, You'll never, ever walk alone. YNWA !!!!
  8. oh.. sorry.. lets open another topic on that
  9. oh wait. i forgot that i supposed to make a point on the topic. my point is, if it was ur wife on the phone saying that she wants a divorce, then it was an important call. but if it was as the above mentioned caller, then.....
  10. imagine this. u r walking towards the toy section. when u are almost there, u get a phone call. u answer the call and stare at the rack of basic cars. it's ur fren on the phone. he wants to know where u keep ur underwear. while u r trying to explain to him that u don't wear any underwear, a kid comes n digs thru the racks. rite before ur eyes, the kid finds $uper!!!!!!!! then u see the kid running away with the $uper n paying for it at the cashier. now my question... how many times wud u facepalm urself?
  11. I'm looking for the following regular hunts 2008 16 angels 2009 Bone Shaker Mustang Fire Eater Will trade for other regs. Let me know what you are looking for.
  12. cuz my star card wasn't activated for the first few times i bought....
  13. somebody was jus saying the other day that he hasn't found any THUNTS... lol... the same case with prabha.. one day he says he hasn't scored any thunts.\ then suddenly.. BANG!!!
  14. sad news for all tooligan fans. there spanar at the back is for 11mm bolts. and the hex at the bottom are for 7mm screws. these sizes are commonly used in the USA for the rest of the world, we widely use 12mm and 8 mm screws/bolts. jus when i thought repairing cars could be much fun.........
  15. aih.. u guys... no need always spy shot other ppl la.....
  16. uncle sinclair.. facebook is something u wud never understand
  17. it was so funny. we were watching it at McD. suddenly there was a black out n the TV went out. JHC was saying once t power comes back the score wud be 1-1 or 2-1. i said that someone wud be red carded. and the first image we got when the power came back on was vidic walking off the pitch! WAKAKAKKAKAKAKAK
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