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Everything posted by pydrumerboy

  1. Sure mr sinclair.....offer what to trade with.....pm me....
  2. No problem dude, just taht I have 1 extra mitsu color shifter as well...
  3. Ha ha ha!No thanks , will try my luck on it, i believe i will get it soon. Ai???, Alamak, I also believe I can get my blue evo soon, I was trying to help you not to spend more money and trade instead since you said you spend so much money and wanna let go something. Oh well.....haha
  4. On mans meat is another mans poison eh marrie
  5. You have extra rubber on that motorhome.....
  6. And kt, i trade the color shifter hummer with few of your 16 angels, you nak....kekeke
  7. I trade you a evo x color shifter for few of your blue evo, you nak:)
  8. Its ok coolman, nice haul and more nice models will be coming out in future and you going to buy more until you mellow down your buying and start to be more selective and buying lesser in quantity......I think it will probably take you 1 year before you start selling something once you run out of space....
  9. this is a super qombee or none at all wave...yes supers are quite rare in malaysia......I really don't know how mattel distribute the supers worlwide...
  10. Not sapu la, he got one only, because out of 20 boxes only one super qombee....
  11. Takata was the first one to open some boxes remember.....this wave does not have thunt but have super qombee.....
  12. Nah thanks coolman, your hints are much clearer than takata....hehe. Ampang carrefour has been noted on my hunting map...... aiya, I going back to inlaws soon......sombody help grab me 2 blue evo....
  13. DK ler, I have not ofund any 16 angel...hehe you want dk?
  14. haha...yes I understand the feeling.
  15. As long as your kids still have milk and you buy milk powder by tommorow, should be ok. But I think you are buying too many of the same models, Wanna trade some of your cars with....milk..haha
  16. Well kt, you know what to do, I still don't have 16 angels
  17. @netmatrix - its easy, it offered itself, I didn't rape it, didn't need to...haha @thefuhrer - wait for it. I may find more
  18. @coolman, nothing happened to you, what happened to me la more like, always getting old cards...kekeke
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