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Everything posted by pydrumerboy

  1. I am talking about the blue one, see the name is on the left side of the picture???
  2. How come that blue swat truck have its name printed on the other side of the cars. Is it hotwheels??
  3. I think only the founders of HWCM have them dreamer....dream on...haha
  4. How many years are you gonna be overseas elgee? hehe Depending on your answer, I will change the farewell to goodbye.
  5. oh Is see, no wonder it looks wierd but familiar....
  6. Since I can't say it in person, I will do it here. Hehe. I don't know if this is appropriate to put it here in this section or not but one of our fellow collector who also is a great independent customizer for diecast cars, and also is one of the key persons in the making of our beetle club car, is leaving today for Australia to further his studies. So here is to you, a top guy who is not only cool as a cucumber but a generous bloke to boot and I myself have recieved some of your generosity. May the good Lord of Hotwheels bless you and may he help you to score like mad in Aussie land. It a great place to go to. Enjoy yourself and see you again in cyber space. You probably are too busy preparing yourself to read this but hopefully you will read it when you get back online either here or aussie land. Good luck and bon voyage Pydrummer PS After this farewell message. you'd better leave the country..haha
  7. Wow! I want the white and blue volks wagon thunt......
  8. Hi nice haul, found at 7-11 Cheras area??
  9. Haha, please show us that 3000 ringgit haul...must be awesojme
  10. I am coming home tommorrow.....starting my journey at 5.30am...
  11. I think the current banner is a nice banner and I don't mind the enzos in the picture. However perhaps you can resize the banner by half from the top to bottom. Then in my opinion it would fit more nicely.
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