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Everything posted by pydrumerboy

  1. Mummy always said to eat your vegetables...hehe
  2. @wacko...oh no way! Yours green is fresh, this one is kinda old @raymond . ..yes think green, score green. I do think green when on the hunt.....should try it and see if it works for you.....
  3. Coolman He is a GIRL So its Nice haul SIS...haha
  4. ooo badbagger nice complete picture haul there congrats
  5. you miss the white one or the silver one?
  6. I think he meaant the normal bookshop, not the chain bookshop....got normal bookshop sell hotwheels ma...hehe
  7. Ok, I noted down your order.....
  8. @kuku - you found laju belakang also...hehe @coolman - nvermind I will visit for you....what do you want haha
  9. @kurz.....biasala, I go just before lunch hour...actually its lunch haul
  10. Alright here is my hunting report for yesterday and today. I have been sticking to one place so this is going to be short. Alamanda Putrajaya-Carrefour is about the only place that has restocked so far the new wave. They have restocked about 2 boxes and the racks are about 50% full. Not many new 09 cards are left as well. Other places such as parkson remains unchanged. Cold storage also held a surprise, a DK THUNT and a FASTBACK. I don't see any evidence that Cold storage has restocked another box. But there are 6 vw orange beetle which means they have restocked 3 boxes, the same ones as last time. However a single DK and a single fastback indicates that the person doing the restock must have just hung it on the rack. Where are the other two...hmmmmm, will it be hung out on the rack tommorow, the day after that...but I believe there are still 2 more DK somewhere in Cold storage.....patience is the key and luck...hehe. You wanna try your luck, well you can go to Cold Storage
  11. Its the Qombee super or none at all wave........ Or it could be bad bagger...I am not sure
  12. Here is my haul today and yesterday, full report on my blog
  13. Thanks everyone. Found more black beetle today...
  14. Sometimes the different places have promotion fotr hotwheels, then the price will drop for hotwheels. but if they have promotion for matchbox then the price will drop for matchbox. However retail for both right noew should be around RM6.50. Anyway thanks Aphong for sharing the info.
  15. Look at it this way what you did, benefit this community. So thanks for your hard work. I appreciate it.
  16. Haul on the way back from kampung to house Completed Volkswagen series Will do a complete report later
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