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Everything posted by pydrumerboy

  1. If clear sticker nicer right, but Its a nice custom. I am impressed
  3. I seriously do not know what you guys talking about.....cannot relate
  4. What a great haul and nice POS, now just waiting for that $uper POS.Congrats
  5. LA, San francisco and maybe drive up to Vegas. Got relatives there. Where are you situated?
  6. Come over USA and see...no need wait Oh I am going early next year for a 1 month break
  7. Nobody can help then I have to look by myself lo .
  8. wooohooo, I am still short of 4 carded, anyone wanna help me complete
  9. No need challenge, I menyerah kalah I mana boleh lawan you, I dont have enough time and bullet to hunt those hw. Anyway JB stock not as big as KL. I myself have to to go to KL from time to time to source new arrivals. Eh don't say that la hehe. Just ignore musclemania. I think you are like me right, we have our own business, so we get to have flexy time, plus other investments on the side plus a percentage here and there from company shares.......flexible time I am blest with flexy time....thats all. (Over to musclemania mr CSI)
  10. Errr I have no control over what waves come my way or what $uper I find, so just appreciate whatever I can find lo.....but I am always hunting for new wave la.....
  11. No need challenge, I menyerah kalah
  12. betul betul Ho liao hahahaha ..... Confirm from C4... Congrats
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