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Everything posted by hokuan

  1. Ah, I was actually hoping the price of 3-packs lowered during the promotions. Nice CTR you found there wonger, u will get ur THunts at 7/11 sooner or later
  2. hehe, nica la, the hunt$ get from 7/11?
  3. Hehe, can, bring ur stuff then I help u snap pics and upload
  4. competition is good, mattel will surely take our market seriously
  5. My blog is about my collections, mostly when got new interesting haul i will post it there
  6. Haha, I bought two cabinets for displaying them
  7. my bro went there.....only get a 1/18 ,green lantern and superman
  8. Third day at the warehouse sales..Nothing left..
  9. My bro went there yesterday and today, couldnt get anything at all..First day already finished..
  10. That GTO colour is unique, I shall find myself one
  11. Weird, where's all the pics? I'm looking forward to see haul pics , come share with us!
  12. Anybody can help me grab tv batmobile and HW elite?
  13. hokuan

    2009 Sooo Fast

    Hmmm...so tis is not ur custom...u just want to promote tis car only rite?
  14. thanks for sharing those movie make me drool
  15. Report with photo! Those tracksets lelong?
  16. hokuan

    2009 Sooo Fast

    So the body is from different car or just the sticker?
  17. Sometime shortcard will sesat and reach Malaysia..I score a few of them locally before
  18. Maybe they'll come out with black one..
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