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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. I think meant that's his available cars for trade, not all 8 for ecto lol.
  2. I would like to take this opportunity to share my latest haul from HWCM gathering.. Typical UcB style.. 1 mint, 1 for display Hmmm... And so.. Spoiler: Sekian, terima kasih. P/S - Title of this thread refers to movie name, not to be confused with few boys getting inside Hood (mushroom)
  3. Beli satu lagi model Backslider no need chop this one, custom paint orange white also then stack on top of custom hauler on top of farmhauler. And the car top of everything. Baru wicked.
  4. Don't tell me you scored Super Baja or Mustang.. *sweat*
  5. As the story goes.. Well no story, i'll just give an analogy instead. Before seeing pydrummer's latest Pos.. When seeing pydrummer's latest Pos.. After seeing pydrummer's latest Pos.. And the outcome.. Spoiler: Sekian, terima kasih.
  6. Good try dude.. you might want to study existing flames design on hotwheels castings and use as your reference for next try, good luck!
  7. Would be better to continue from previous post (nick)..
  8. Cooper is a certified playa. Pm me your c.o.d details, i'll most probably drop by on the way to this week's usual friday gath.
  9. Specifically looking for card number 10/10 (the last one, not all ten of it). Be a playa by helpin' UcB out! Lemme know ya offer.
  10. UCB wishes all ma fellow Muslim playaz Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Physical n' Spiritual. p/s - ada playaz in amcorp tanya UCB tak buat open house ke, official punya takde but if you guys saja nak beraya in Undercover Hideout feel free to arrange any day after Raya day. If anyone interested to join in then just look for that kucing they called 'Marcus'.
  11. Put out fire? What a playa hater. *sets fire again*
  12. Nice haul. Yup, time to spread the love! (i don't collect these btw)
  13. Ganas! Tapi sayang US card, kalau Int'l lagi hebat bangat!
  14. And btw this FE /BS 7E promo will always be remembered as UcB's most suwey hunting round ever. Imagine out of.. let's just say ALOT of 7E's i tried and most outlets fortunate enough to made it first, i still end up with zero Supers. Whereas that particular very few stores that i've missed gave away 2 Super Bone Shakers to 2 lucky playaz who just happen to be there at right time (not 'competing' for it). And thanks to story Atomkinder shared above, now i know i missed 3 Super Bone Shakers lol. I remember Kuala Selangor was reg Fire Eater too, i believe the one you went is Tg. Karang.
  15. When Atom mentioned this in another thread just remembered there's another 'UcB hunting tales' to share with y'all. And so, this was during one of 7E huntin' season one year back (Fire Eater / BS round). It's already late in midnight when UcB was doing his 7E round towards Kapar, mind you this isn't really my convenient territory to hit as Kapar itself is well, pretty far from where UcB stays undercover. And i'm totally alone. Finished off that radius and time to head back home, but happen that i didn't stay on right road but heading opposite direction instead. I told myself look, a true playa never walk out of the game, just follow the whisper in your ear probably you'll end up in some new 7E's ahead who knows. And so UcB decided not to turn back, though he seriously has no clue where he's heading to. Long road ahead, finally saw the first 7E at side of the road. I think i picked up reg Fire Eater there but don't matter anyway cause i was only desperate for Super that time, asked the kakak there and she said just keep going straight on there's another 7E. Another long drive, second 7E. Same thing, get direction from kakak there, another long drive and finally reach third one. By the time i'm already lost and confused, cause even before Kapar already spent hours hunting elsewhere. Now this kakak told me maybe i can try another one, keep going straight until there's traffic light then turn right. So i thought lucky next 7E possibly not world's apart like previous stores. Adehh.. turn out that's not the case. Reach the place i straight away grab the yellow DD (already this far just take lah) and told the kakak "Saya satu hari ni jalan-jalan cari Hotwheels, dah tak nak tau mana lagi ada 7E lepas ni, dah lewat sangat nak balik rumah sekarang, cuma nak tanya akak satu je.." "Saya ni sebenarnya kat mana?" "Tempat ni nama SEKINCHAN" Hah? Then only i just realized i just made accidental trip to Kuala Selangor, Tg Karang, and Sekinchan, and now have to drive all the way back home, alone. Sien!
  16. What i've been trying to tell every members all the while. Btw congrats! What Super was that?
  17. If it's the same store and the same dude i'm thinking, i believe this not another insider story but just that dude pulling your leg. First normally only if massive cases restock then chances are insider will purposely left some hanging, secondly his claim to have 'knowledge' how t-hunt assorted memang tak boleh pakai, third 3 years there he could have done more 'damage' all this while if he wants to. I think i know this dude, yes he buys hotwheels occasionally including hunts but not really 'into' it if you know what i mean, in fact he'll just pass the hunts to you if got any with him.
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