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Everything posted by zint3000

  1. hmm almost like the maisto assembly lines... but way more nicer... hehe
  2. u can larr rikmun~ blom cube blom tahu hehe
  3. lol 250km~ kene speed trap naya nie... haha
  4. auww... no more yellow scud hoo~ nvm2... still happy that u got one bro~ hehe ugpm too bro~ hehe
  5. bone shaker mania~ nice fe fte black there sakamoto~ i have the flat brown one onli... couldnt find the black last time... hmm
  6. lol~ the 10 pack is nice... but i spy a few tomicas... haha
  7. cool car bro~ what scale izzit anyway? normal 1:64 haa?
  8. stumble upon this kind of error too a couple of times~ some use selotape...some use stapler... later they reinforced the doombox...
  9. wow... scorchin scooter~ so many variations summore~ cool collection lah protoman~
  10. send my sis on a hunt to scout for SM back at hometown... hope she got some good news for me... huhu however also trying my luck on some departmental store around subang...
  11. missing the 5.5 is a very bad situation... just hope that the torino comes to msia first then the old 5.5... special case one...lol
  12. cool mustang~ yeap left hand drive... yesterday i also found one left hand driven car at pkns shah alam carpark but not a mustang lah... find it a bit ackward though...
  13. wow ur lucky to have lucky no 7 hehe i have lucky no 0... have none since the wave didnt reach my place last time...
  14. bump for this dinner thread~ still waiting for maps though... i jalan2 around that area yesterday... but pkns area only... can't see the pkps tho... maybe i shud googlemaps it jap...
  15. yeah... really worth all the time downloading the vid... kinda geram see the big scale dragbus when mr boneshaker is talking in the vid~ hehe
  16. wah brother rayz is very kind... can i give my addy too~ jk jk ahaha
  17. nice custom as always there mr danielh... now i can see u implement a new stuff towards ur customs~ the mufflers... really innovative man~
  18. gtr with a sunroof~ cool custom bro~ if got one in real life... sure can putus kepala haha
  19. loving the details done to the interior~ very meticulous man~
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