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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. why all your posting just emoticon? wanna increase your post is it?
  2. its all in the photography techniques..
  3. true what they said bout u.. your spirit can never be tame! so wild!
  4. come to think of it, alot of guys do collect alot of shoes.. but CKH haiya... u better buy a pair from bundle shop la if overspend in HW!
  5. so CKH, when to counter Mushroom's pics?
  6. wow! i love it! when can arrive here?
  7. haha.. share share la news tu... aku pun interested jugak
  8. alamak.. macam nak kelaut je topic ni..
  9. warna dia tu memang kawan pun tak bleh tahan.. very tempting!
  10. get a room la bro... KAD
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