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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. hoho.. work smart is the way to go.. up to you how u define work smart.. me, because of my work, i have HWCM frens to thanks to, and they have helped me getting me some cars that vhtf.. HWCM for me served its purpose, when collectors helped each other..
  2. alamak hassan pun dah mula dasar pandang ke timur!
  3. im a ferrari racer collector.. these cars are better looking (altho havent got myself any yet..) by the way, where can i get the final six of this years racers?
  4. yeah.. hell, its almost the same with the tomica vers.. look buy 1 for me self..
  5. silap aku tak dapat datang malam tu..
  6. bro tak de masa nak pergi putrajaya.. huhu..
  7. wowo.. nice one, hope the person wont do it very publicly or dont do it anymore..
  8. Wow! speechless man! one question tho.. how big is your house? to put such collection require big space...
  9. haha.. toyota.. kena cari dalam kotak.. ada kot.. but heres more honda..
  10. @ rg - thanks.. i really dunno how many is tamiya complete set..
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