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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. nice story line, if im not mistaken, the patrolman is from greenlight? nice one!
  2. really appreciate what u hv done there rikmun! keep it up!
  3. nice 1 there! what about the mystery car? it doesnt deserve to be in the box? sien dia..
  4. how much does it cost u KT? since its limited?
  5. Mr Kop like this Mr Kop think this sucks eggs
  6. haha.. congrats u guys! later somebody elses turn.. e.g Artt ke, Raymond ke, Shakz ke, Sanlino ke, rikmuns customs ke..
  7. wow! nice ler.. still searching for the GT version..
  8. LOL... not like dat la.. at least you have to do some rating system, so that customizer knows we REALLY appreciate their works..
  9. Desmond, can u unlock the custom corner reply back?
  10. credit goes to jhc... btw, sick bird, u just joined today and that is your first thing comes out your mouth? even without any introduction? sheesh.. im with hassan on this.. shoo.. go away blardy bird!
  11. relax la guys.. just enjoy his works.. which for me is Awesome!
  12. plymouth super nice! love it!
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