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Everything posted by eight

  1. check your this video guys... and see for your self hows all the designers in hot wheels looks like since we only know them my name...
  2. awesome custom there mr. jhc... keep up the good work...
  3. mr. sinclair full of BS... by BS i mean Bone Shaker...
  4. ini kereta tulang bergoyang nie...
  5. awesome photos mr. boneshaker... lady luck was with mr.shaks that day...
  6. wow.. nice close-up the... this is really civic poison...
  7. eight

    Bumblebee in VN

    awesome work there mr. laputa... i had an idea like this before but didnt have to skills to do it... hope to see more...
  8. wow... first time seeing this... very unique...
  9. i was just joking mr joker... eehh sorry... i mean mr. Admin Sir, for me personal the prized dont really matter... what matter is get to hangout and make noise with all the hot wheels buddies...
  10. hello langkammer... nice to know u... please show us your awesome HW collections...
  11. nice meeting you Mr. Thorr... u r not scary at all... emm i would say friendly looking then scary lookin... sorry did stick for long and chat... got people to do and things to see...
  12. mr. sinclair: where got la mini king... just the king punya servant who jaga the king's cars... mr.:cawan: i only chase mini in majorette... mr.jhc: mini apa brand pun racun for me...
  13. my little mini majorette collection...
  14. nice custom... love the details...
  15. nice photos the mr. ckh... the cars looks cool... i just got 1 the pick beetle convertible...
  16. sorry to hear that mr.jhc... hope u r ok... and your car too...
  17. thanks for the wish mr. alfagta
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