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Everything posted by danoneism

  1. huhu... just keep on continued ur job la bro.. it not make a big deal because only minor difference here and there... hehe.. actually my charger also using the wrong version.. the one in the movie was the 70' but mine was the 69'.. but because there were just a lil difference i just continued with it... but its a different case with my chevelle.. the one i bought earlier (refer to my blog), is the 69' version but the movie was the 70' version.. both car has so much different so i've to hunt for the 70'version in order to replicate the car... hehe.. anyway, i spotted the mustang by MB are the same with the one in the movie... hehhe
  2. hurm... actually bro coolman, im not using tamiya putty.. thats explain the uneven surface.. haha.. the one i use is actually putty for wall crack... the texture of the putty are different... anyway for best result i recommend to use tamiya's putty because it was made specially for modelling.. hehe... well as for the cost, tmy one cost rm25-rm29 for a small tube.. well that's why i use the wall putty, only cost rm6-rm10.. haha...
  3. hehe.. thanx guys.... anyway i like the idea to custom it as a batmobile.. but like bro san said must make it look more bat-ish... hehe...
  4. huhu... dont gado2 la guys... but maybe rikmun u should at least show us first how to do it.. or maybe post it on the Customizing Tips section then all of us can shave off all the unwanted things... i know that the chevelle hood is a bit high and also the evo7 project supposed to be without the roof scoop and the spoiler but ive tried to remove it before but unless its plastic i bet i will never go out... but who knows maybe u got ur own method doing it... anyway... dont fight2 la... all be happy customizing..
  5. haha... how if i add some batman logo??? haha... thanx anyway...
  6. hurm... maybe it will eat up all the plastic part... huhu.. remember at the first post i ve stated that plastic container will melt.. because after a few days here's what happen to the same container.....
  7. hehe.... please be xtra carefull... luckly u scratch ur HW not ur hand... huhu.. easy solution.... just repaint it...
  8. as u guys know, this car was the engine donor for my F&F dodge charger... now the car is without any engine and a large hole on the front hood.... so i decided to customize this car and cover up the front hole... huhu.. its quite a straight forward task... so here's the pic of the car after the engine been given to the charger.... as in the paint stripping tutorial, ive stripped off the original color of the car.... after all the stripping progress completed, i continued to cover up the hole on the front hood using some model card and putty.. (sorry, no pic of the progress.... hehe) then ive sprayed it with pearl black color... some pic with the F&F dodge charger...... compare the diff between flat black and pearl black.. hehe for the detailings, i'll hunt for some silver marker maybe tomorrow.. comments and critique are welcome... cheers....
  9. bro ray.... ive edited the part u ask... haha.. thanx for the info...
  10. haha.. nothing much been added... just a simple tampo... hehe..
  11. welcome.... huhu..never tried thinner before... its it easier to strip the paint off???? anyway, thinner is more safer to use than this stripper..
  12. er... cham... is that my mitsu gto wheels?? hahaha
  13. ok guys... this time i'll share how to strip off the car paint.... huhu... tools 1. paint stripper 2. old tooth brush 3. googles 4. gloves 5. container heres the pic of the paint stripper ive used.... and the container made of plastic bottle... anyway is not recommended to use plastic bottle because it will melt but only after days.... so for 5-10 min process it will be ok.... then, fill in with the paint stripper.... IT IS IMPORTANT TO WEAR GOOGLES AND GLOVES BECAUSE THIS STRIPPER IS DANGEROUS AND CONTAIN ACIDS... IT WILL BURN UR SKIN... wait for 5-10 minutes.. u'll see that the paint are starting to tear of the body... then, put ur car under running water and take the toothbrush and brush off the paint... ALWAYS BRUSH TO THE DIRECTION OPPOSITE FROM WHERE U R STANDING.... [edited as ask by bro ray... haha... thanx for sharing] after all the paint stripped off, wash ur car with running tap water.... add some soap to move all the remaining stripper... then take a cloth and wipe it until it dries... and finally ur car are now been stripped.... hehehe... that's all guys.... happy customizing......
  14. thanx for the comments guys... and great idea raymond... i'll try it later....
  15. for a 1:32 scale, the price should be not above rm39.90.... rm60 can get other 1:24 die-cast with better quality....
  16. huhu... nah nobody will laugh... anyway we all are still learning.. not some custom sifuu... hehe
  17. hehe... post some progress la bro... they can share what r u up to...
  18. hye guys... since my other car are complete i bet u guys must thinking of the compeled evo 7... but............... till tonight i just got this far.... i try color the car with silver to identified which part need to be alter.... seems to me the front part still need a lot of puttying and sanding....... huhu...
  19. nice one.... hehehe now we got malaysian police and also japanese police here....
  20. finally i found a good engine donor............ fitted in on the chasis........ and made a new hood for the charger.... and the car is finally complete................. but without the rubber wheels... huhu... some bonus pic with the 70' chevelle.... i bet vin diesel gonna love this.. hahaha... then have to send back the engine donor to his place since he's now without an engine... luckly with the semi-fast car hauler i can send him back faster.... anyway thanx for all ur support, comments and critique during the progress of this project..... cheers......
  21. @loon & sinclair : hehe... i'll add some details maybe after the dateline for the group built... @ RGSUKAN : hurm.... sponsor la some rubber wheels... hahaha... @rikmun : the hood are originally casted like that... nothing much i can do... @cham2020 : yup... the ori car is flat gray but didn't have flat gray in stock.... haha.. so i think gray should be acceptable...
  22. the 1970 chevelle was use by Vin Diesel in the fast and furious 4... pic of the original car... since HW produced this car, i choose to replicate it.... it was quite a straight forward task.. and its easier to deal with compare to the evo7 and the dodge charger... so firstly, i've de-carded the car. and here's the final look of the car.... anyway, the car will look more better if the windows are the clear type.... hehe... i'll take some more pic later.... hehe... cheers...
  23. the myvi was not accurately done.... they tomica passo looks better even though the myvi scale are bigger.... i didnt even bother to bought it because.... 1st the price is way tooooooo expensive.. rm59.90?? they must be kidding... huhu.. 2nd.. its out of proportion... 3rd the front end are to flat... the bumper of the car should be more rounder... not flatter.. 4th... the front lamp really sux.. not accurate at all... not to mention the frameless door... ?? since when myvi got frameless window?? and lastly because seeing this type of quality, its only a toy... not worth to add into my collection cabinet... but there is one part which are quite accurate which is the rear part of the myvi.... *all image copied from lowyat...
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