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Everything posted by danoneism

  1. nice!!~ looks more ganas from the ecto 1.. hahaha
  2. wow... i thought u dont main TH... ahaha
  3. danoneism

    Dark Water

    reading the title reminds me of dark water movie... aha... anyway, cool one bro... congratz on winning the 1st place... hehe..
  4. aha... be patient guys... hehe.... i'll try to finish this before end of this year.. haha...
  5. hehe.. anyway.. who wants to do this... evo x damd... haha.. maybe cham, rikmun or danielh can try it on.. or anyone.. hehe then maybe can pair with my evo7 damd later on.... just sharing.. cheers....
  6. hurm... i was bored at home in front of facebook.. then i took a look inside my unfinished custom box.. and i spotted this guy... hahaha... a long time ago custom attempt which is still far from complete.... honestly i also forget how does the actually car look like... then i search in google.. amazingly that my pic that i post came out as the 1st pic.. huhu.. yup.. most traffic on my blog are people directed from google when there search damd evo 7..... hehe... so.. i took a look.. then i saw the spoiler was a gt-wing not the ori one.. so i decided to saw off the spoiler... which will be installed with a custom gt-wing later on..... here's some pic of it.... evo 7 spoiler anyone???.. hehe.. here's the car without the spoiler... looks like an ordinary sedan.. aha then i take another look on the actual car pic.. and saw that it doesnt came with a roof scoop.. huhu... yup HW done it because its a rally version but street version cars doesnt need that.... so... i decided to saw it off.... huhu.. took me about half an hour to saw this thing off.... wish i have a dremel..... here's a pic with the roof scoop removed... well thats my lil update... maybe u guys have to wait another year for it to complete.. haha.. since this one started a year ago.. april 2009.. now its december 2010 but still far from complete.... anyway, happy customizing cheers.. danoneism..
  7. maen teaser2 plak... hahahaa... come on we wanna see it!~
  8. here's mine... hehehe here's the link /hot-wheels-customs-f6/gb-rat-rod-boneshaker-completed-t3702.htm
  9. no new project aa bro eight???? hehe
  10. cun... hehe nice one bro..>!~.. can call it cham block.. hahaha
  11. nice work... only thing is i think the hauler sits too high.. hehe.. other than that its awesome.. very creative...
  12. lol... i thought its a new one.... quite surprise to see no more helang..hehe
  13. nice work done bro... got lot of improvement!~ keep up the good work..
  14. come on and join bro sinclair.. just forget bout the submission date.. hehe.. built it for fun.. haha aha... cham.. u should build BS helang... hahaha..
  15. yup thorr.. thanx for joining.. haha.. others??? r u joining or not?? hehe
  16. mine already submited..!~.. hehe.. where's others???
  17. aha... quite pathetic la who ever was that... if u wanna speak something why not use ur regular username.... why need to be afraid and just bashing ppl behind fake username while judging other ppl originality..? ( he also a fake too)... what uve done here just make u look more stupid... and of course we all can guess who u are by the way and language u used.. (dont think us stupid)... speaking of originallity i guess bro JHC deserved it because as long as i can remember it is him who `1st make the evo helang ( not including PDRM la)... but cheers....
  18. aha... good job to fill in ur spare time.. hahaha..
  19. CKH : thanx CKH... hehe.. as all of us im also still learning and exploring die-cast customizing.. hehe... sinclair : hahaha... that scene was at my table jungle...hahaha.... i'll take some outdoor pic later on.. hehe
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