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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. as at 7-11 now, there are new packaging, some even with introduction for the model at the back of the card, eg. power lift, monaco police car, etc. i relised that this new packaging is look like HW previous card duh...
  2. thanx bro..and i catch it at normal 7e!!! how sweet.... the most sweet is it cost only RM4.50/pcs...hehe
  3. nice haul bro...got ijau ijau jugak..congrats..
  4. hahaha...i knew it..those DDs and camaro are for custom right? hehhee btw, nice $uper Fury bro...
  5. nice haul there bro...purple passion looks very yummy for me..nyum nyum..
  6. like the ford panel..nice haul gonggok..
  7. nice haul bro..firebird really yummy..nyum nyum...
  8. hahaha...sudenly flooded with lambo...time to hunt now..go go go power hauler...btw, congrats bro..
  9. nice haul bro..long time didint see you here..welcome back..
  10. TH dan kena amek daaa....hahahha..nice haul bro...
  11. massive haul again bro...haha..nice..
  12. hahaha $uper mustang for CKH...fast post pic Mr.Py...hehehe
  13. mintak satu..UGPM..hahhaa jk jk..just lemme know if you wanna let go one of those..hehe, banyak sangat tu..
  14. arghhh..more nice cars coming..cabutttss or else terpoison adios...
  15. that 55 chevy $uper look superb...envy here..
  16. hahaha..alfagta sure love this...nice pics ericmaxman
  17. wah new wheel? looks nicer for a tomica..
  18. ^ hope this bone shaker wouldnt be like the legendary qombee...here still got THUNT qombee on peg..nobody take, kesian..
  19. hehehe..that sema civic..sure some people will ask for that..hehehe
  20. woow...fresh air in new house..put a pics here...
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