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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. oh noo.... arghh.. when the masters had spoken, huhu~~ but this month really had to keep away from ebay la.. haha~~
  2. haha if new wave, its happening qombee wave, its pening!!
  3. what!!! all hanging at same place!!! thunt qombee cant be considered as thunt anymore if like this, huhu...
  4. @sinclair : PM replied, @MJ : thanks.. now i'm afraid i'm being overwhelm by the power of the darkside,
  5. wahh.. copper BBirds.. arghhh.. so many cars la.. and and i love the taildragger, very nice..
  6. wahh. new customs.. nice.. looking forward to finish product, btw, bro, u got so many free times la, huhu~~ keep it up!!
  7. warghhh.. cham got nice tomica collection.. jeles jeles..
  8. that's why i stopped gundam, and decide not to start TF.. huhu.. sure full my room if start collecting those TF.. huhu..
  9. yay.. got another $upers?? huhu.. ya lor.. i hope my wife-to-be will be poisoned by me, slow slow.. (in collecting the HWs la, not real poison!!)
  10. waaa... but both are u better form a special team, Qombee Rangers.. now, by the power of Zordon, i hereby assign both of u, as the " Qombee Rangers".. hehe..
  11. nice.. almost resemble my current secret project, huhu... nice one bro danny, and eight too..
  12. nice... i just got one only, that TH camaro error card, or shud i say TH$ camaro error car... aiyo, pening pening..
  13. i love both, huhu, since i havent got both with international cards..
  14. didnt see.. huhu.. lucky.. thanks py for pointing that.. now i'm hepi, quite same case with me.. huhu.. looks like our future wives have same thinking la.. maybe they form up an "anti-Hotwheels Malaysia Club", huhu..
  15. Qombee rangers.. lol.. nice team both of u.. Qombee Rangers got my respect..
  16. no la bro.. ur hauls so much more better than mine la.. huhu.. btw thanks alot bro.. i learn this from u, u r my master.. Darth-Coool
  17. haha.. LoL.. so tasty la, cant resist, i want too...
  18. @kukubeh : what is the ****, @cawan : huhu.. this is a month hauls la.. not skali datang.. btw tomica patrols i got from lyn seller.. @zint3k : thanks man.. white evo?? 1 is already sold and 1 more still pending nego.. @danielh : dun faint la, just tiny haul compare to master cooolman.. @chah : wahh.. messager from Darth.. huhu.. sorry, all white and red evo not available anymore, huhu.. @ones : wake up man, u better see cooolman hauls if u wanna pengsan, hehe~~ @dreamer_adrian : thanks bro.. ALAMAK, i got a things to settle with bro DA.. sorry broo.. @sanlino : thanks man.. @aphong : thanks mannn.. @sinclair : thanks.. erm, actually 1 more in pending nego.. but can pm me ur offer please, @RGSukan : thanks.. ae86 FTE?? huhu.. sorry, both are card variations.. @koled : actually i got this from fren that import from oversea.. @cooolman : now the master had spoken, huhu.. actually i bought this from various sellers, not one.. @alfagta : thanks mann.. to all, thanks for viewing my little hauls..
  19. Qombee... looks like TH qombee being a common thing la now.. huhu~~
  20. wow!!!! can pm me ur seller ebay id, hahaha... anyway, super duper hauls mann...
  21. wahh.. nice pos... now is camaro season pulak, huhu~~
  22. loll.. py faster than me, .. sell some to me la... haha...
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